
More on the shoelace thing. I discovered essentially the same thing about 3 years ago (I'm over 40) - that I had been tying my laces wrong for, well, ever. Stunned, amazed, and humbled.

@Killjoy: Yeah. They lost me at Tweet.

And here's another one: re-using a tired and out of date and just plain wrong Subject line. Like when you want to shoot a new email to someone and you just find some old email message from them and hit reply and don't bother to change the subject.

Don't think anyone's mentioned this, but I really hate emails that consist of just a link, no explanation, no comment, no personalization, nothing, just a link to some blog or website or something. I just think it's lazy and would much appreciate something short like, "Hey, you mentioned you were interested in Korean

@SophT: Actually today someone sent me a new twist on this that I've never seen before. A jpg consisting of a photo of a piece of machinery and a question imprinted onto the photo. The email said, "please read the photo to see my message." And the three line message certainly could and should have been just typed

@Purple Dave: Much more annoying: someone who quotes an entire long message, leaving their irrelevant and useless comment at the very end, forcing you to scroll all the way through the damn thing to find something like, "Me too."

@KamWrex: It's all the more annoying because doing a 360 would mean you are going in the same direction as before. An about face would be a 180.

Probably more work than I'm interested in, but thanks. If I'm expecting a message and don't want to wait for Gmail's arbitrary check to come around, I just hit the 'Refresh' link at the top of the mail box. You can enable it in the labs. This makes gmail check that account immediately. Not ideal, but useful.

I work at home. Home office, home studio. Family's around too. When I'm really busy on something, I can go for over a week without leaving home. But I go on walks with my son, ride a bike to the park. A short and habitual change of surroudings is of limited effect I would say. What I've found is that I really need to

@GitEmDoneSteveDave: You mean they don't have a submersible robot that can operate an impact wrench?

Here's my idea of awesome industrial design: a phone that doesn't need a protective case. 'Hey, oh man, I just got the new iPhone -it's like a museum piece. No really, it's in there. I don't want to take it out of the case. Believe me though, really - drop dead gorgeous."

This is another step in the right direction. Slowly, inch by inch. I still don't expect to be able to afford to fly one myself until I'm probably too old and haggard to fly one of the damn things.

@sean_von_stockhausen: There's undoubtedly some safety ledge below the pool edge out of view. Be stupid if there wasn't, anyway.

I actually said wow. The UI ideas in the beginning are some of the freshest thinking I've seen in OS development. The columns with recent videos, web pages, music, library, etc. just reflects some really clear understanding of how people use these devices.

There's a flange with a bolted-on fitting at the top of the damaged blowout preventer valve. Why don't they remove the useless pipe they cut off that's bolted to this flange, and bolt on a new flange with a valve on it. The valve is wide open while installing so the oil can escape and they can lower the open valve

720p screen would be 1280x720. Pretty sure that's not the case. The camera takes 720p video and you can probably get that out through HDMI, but not on the screen. methinks.

In fairness you really need to either compare existing Android phones with existing iPhone which is the 3G. Or compare the i4 to what's imminente on Android. Here you're comparing a phone that isn't out yet and hasn't been reviewed (the iPhone 4) with previous Android phones. The Samsung Galaxy S is already released

@Bonsai Halcyon: Exactly. I would add that it's a very good idea to put the sugar (if you want sugar) into the hot concentrated tea, because trying to dissolve granulated sugar into cool or cold water takes forever.

@Decad3nce: You can compare the iPhone sales to just one Android phone I suppose, but really there are many phones competing for the Android customer. Personally I'm not sure whether to get the Evo, the Samsung Galaxy S, the Droid Incredible, the Droid whatever super phone from Motorola out soon . . . Plus I just

The problem with second accounts is that it's a one at a time thing. You have to log out one to log in to the second. That sucks if both users trade off and use the computer often.