
I actually thought the 20 minute thing was going to be about something else I've discovered: that once your place is 'sorta' clean it actually only takes about 20 minutes twice a week to keep it 'sorta' clean. You can mop the floors in 20, then clean the toilets and bath sinks in 20 another day. Next week clean the

I think it's very helpful in comparing programs like this to actually work on a real serious drawing or artwork with them for a decent period of time. They all have demo versions, but if you just kind of doodle and mess around, try the different brushes etc., you may get wowed by features that turn out to be

If I followed this rule I really don't see how I could get anything done very quickly in a browser. I often need - really really need - to be able to have 6-8 or more tabs open. At this point the browser is pretty much the center of my productivity. I have webmail open always in one tab. I might have my web calendar

Have to say that Subsonic is quite awesome. I've been using it for about two weeks, streaming my music collection off an Ubuntu Linux box to other computers on my local net and to an Android phone and friend's computers over the 'net. I even use it on that same Ubuntu box in a browser window - the music player is that

I have Win Vista with two monitors and it does a better job than Win 7 in accounting for the fact that one monitor is a 1080p HDTV, while the other is a 1080p lcd monitor. I can get a cloned display to appear on both with overscan corrected for and the menu bar present on each monitor.

The reason I liked Songbird was that it very much worked the same across Ubuntu and Windows. But it's very buggy, slow, and has been that way for a long time. By dropping Linux support they dropped me as well.

The [userchrome.css] file in the link is empty. What's the point of this step?

Read that whole thread. Absolutely some of the funniest stuff. And a few good tips too.

I think this is working on FF 3.6 in Ubuntu. Anyway, there's the same entries in about:config and seems to have the same effect. I seem to like a more aggressive setting of 10 and 2 for .factor and .start. The first settings seems like higher is more aggressive, while the second seems like lower is more aggressive and

@BishopBlaize: That would be kind of cool. A lot of us work in isolation on our goals. I watched this thing on 12-step programs like AA (they actually work). The support from others is important, but the key is that you are supported by someone going through the same thing. In other words, if you want to achieve

I moved to 64 bit Ubuntu and Vista about 2 years ago. There were a handful of apps that werent't available, but now I can't think of a single package that isn't available for 64 bit.

system>preferences>keyboard shortcuts has only pre-defined commands, you can't add apps and most apps like Firefox or OpenOffice or whatever are not pre-defined.