Yeah, but the sebring is still the turd of the automotive world in the looks dept....
Corsair looks way more upmarket than those two Cadillac. The XT5 is already, but the XT4 looks like a non-luxury product to me. The surfaces, trim bits, taillights, etc are heavy-handed, making the car look cheaper than it really is.
What is that Equinox doing in this discussion?
The Cadillacs overall just appear cheaper. They give more of an impression of “tarted up Chevy”.
Agreed. That red caddy is hideous
I remember when a Cadillac exec mocked lincoln when he said that lincoln isn’t cadillac’s competitor but buick’s. Oh, how fast the tables have turned. The new CT5 is nasty.
You don’t have to run premium fuel in any of the Ecoboost engines. That is only required if you want peak horsepower.
Silly Tesla.. Just do what the “Big Three” do. Move your factories to Mexico. You’ll never have to worry about profit margins, workers rights, or any of that crap. If an employ is hurt you just shoot shovel and shut up.
I mean obviously I’d expect them to hammer it into a circle before I paid them.
From an engineering point of view I find the Valkyrie and 003 fascinating - but from a “want” point of view I’d rather have the Vanquish...
We’re certainly not calling it an “Emotional Control Unit”, or whatever the fuck the renamed the keyfob.
Rappers don’t know the F1 exists.
the door is not closed