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    Total Scam from a thief that should be book in jail for a few years.  I also don’t think this is the first time he has done such a scam. I am assuming he was trying to bring the car back to his shop so that he could swap engines with the one bad one he had in his shop. Either way he was finding ways to get himself

    no but it had a lot of parts out of a Mustang or should I say Falcon?

    A pair of Demons any McDonald’s fanatic would be proud.

    If they take my left kidney and my right testie count me in. I can’t donate from the same side, I have to keep my balance.

    That Honda looks like a POS already though. 

    Tesla Mode 3 it is then

    It is sexy af

    A used Hellcat! Believe it or not I see plenty of elderly women driving those on their way to the Casino.

    looks like two trucks merging together.

    I know plenty of good cops, they make up most of the LEO’s in every department. I actually work with LEO’s on daily basis. In terms of professionalism I  think it goes like this Sheriffs>CHP>Probation>Cops in terms of professionalism. 

    some commentators don’t stick to the topic at hand.

    You for example, your comment has nothing to do with the article. 

    Debatable, it’s a thing called situational awareness. 

    Just the headline. 

    Just like crossovers are not SUV’s, Unibody Utility Vehicles are not “Trucks” there I gave you the right name. UUV 

    Some cops just aren’t fit for the job.

    I am sure he loves his car more than he does a Miura. 


    The Ford system stays cleaner than anything with a cap believe me.