
Well see, I would like to see Pablo Sandoval’s arms, too. And this has REMINDED ME that there is also a lot of great secret tattoos in MLB that I never get to see because of these dumb sleeves!!!

Never thought I’d see a pro-gun take on Deadspin.

The only option left is for it to be litigated in the Deadspin comments section

This is cheating.  This is like if the debate was “what’s worse: seasonal allergies or a summer cold,” and your answer was “shitting yourself to death from dysentery.” 

Yeah, bringing in Arians usually has the opposite effect. 

Mice will shit in your cereal and on your dishes. This could get you sick.

I remember when I first saw Fitzpatrick in that outfit I couldn’t figure out why Connor McGregor was giving a press conference for the Bucs

Kolašinac is a bad mother fucker for fighting dudes with knives. And Özil is in no way a coward for running away and I will hear no slander from keyboard warriors. 

shut up

“Do not approach Buffalo” is pretty sound advice in general.

I saw that one and this one when we visited a few years back. So funny bc it’s so dumb yet so possible

They still use that flyer, with the same artwork. It’s become iconic. Would make a pretty sweet tattoo, now that I think of it.

Warm up tosses for relievers should be eliminated or limited to one or two at most. Would speed up the game while sacrificing little. If substitutions took five minutes to make in basketball or football we’d think it was insane. Even soccer is fed up with how long substitutions take and so is phasing in a rule where

Similar theory to warning labels being on products because someone (or multiple people) has done it; the fact that they had to make a flyer about buffalo goring/hurling people tells you it’s been an ongoing issue.


I went ~30 years ago and my first thought and most lasting memory about Yellowstone was how many signs that say (hehe) DON’T MOLEST THE BISON. Those signs were literally everywhere. Like - I guess they really mean this!

I believe the correct jargon used by the kids these days is, “yeet”

I live near Yellowstone and the number of idiots who get too close to bison and other wildlife is mind-boggling. And the Park Service has signs everywhere telling them not to.

Sick flip tho

‘A 9-year-old from Florida was singled out and flung into the air’