U-Gauge cut or bust! I was working a Subway back when the old cut and the stamps were a thing. Good times
U-Gauge cut or bust! I was working a Subway back when the old cut and the stamps were a thing. Good times
Pawn Stars guy voice: “Best we can do is value wraps at premium wrap prices”
I’m guessing the drive thru is a huge factor as to why people still do fast food. What I find curious is that for all the news about increases in fast food prices, nobody seems to mention that portions are getting smaller as well, making fast food an even worse value than portrayed.
Agreed. The Chicago Pizza on Freeport (I hope it’s still there, haven’t been in a hot minute) used to be the best, because prior to food delivery apps, it was one of the few places that would deliver anything from the store.
This is the same reason I always lose at poker when we use M&Ms in lieu of chips
I feel like the ideal time to have presented this lawsuit was a few years back, when everyone was looking at loot boxes, and Germany banned them entirely.
I bet it’s custom fonts taking up all that space 😉
This sounds like a fancy version of whatever they used to call the drink you’d order for someone on their 21st bday, where the bartender wrings out the bar rag into a glass
There’s a place I found online that sells WI curds (as well as a bunch of other cheese stuff), that recently dropped SEVEN new curd flavors, bringing their total up to nine.
The “smooth orange” variety of Sunny D has a taste super close to OJ, with zero heartburn, my friend
I’m a software guy who likes to cook.
I mean, a corporate behemoth strong-armed a couple of small companies to get this to happen.
Well, I would HOPE they would be more careful about that distinction, but I certainly don’t EXPECT it around here, fwiw
“Is your refrigerator running...around with the wrong crowd?”
It’s like Inception...you can only get Musk to do something if you convince him it was his idea
Shoot, I’ll buy the fun international stuff to keep, and give out the mini Snickers bars lol
This was SUCH a colossal fuckup that I can’t help but wonder if dude shorted his stock before making the announcement
Well, IMO, The Kotick Problem may be inadvertently addressed with this merger, but it will definitely create a new one--the scope of which will be larger, because it’s happening to a larger company.
100%. And of course the fact that prior price hikes had corresponding expenses (gas, shipping, etc) that might have been justified at the time, but didn’t go back down after those costs went back down