
When both sides accuse the other of being literal evil, there will never be a conversation. There has been and will continue to be hyperbolic insults and base appeals to emotion. Both sides are entrenched and are more interested in trading hand grenades than making peace.

Exactly. Especially that of this asshole:

Pretty much all decisions made in this.

It's a good thing climate prediction software doesn't have bias built into it.

I hope Marvel never ever gets the rights back. The MCU has done a good job with obscure characters so far, and I’d like to see them keep on doing that. I’d rather see a Miss Marvel or Runaways movie than the fourth FF reboot.

I think I’m just going to wait for the real FF movie that’s coming.

i got the distinct impression Josh Trank got hold of an original first issue of the Fantastic Four and curled a lincoln log out on it to show his contempt for the Fantastic Four. and the film was his attempt to curl out one on film.

I believe in climate change and what this article says. I also believe our culture has become a bunch of wimps who always want somebody to hold our hands and make the people who don’t agree with us to just go away. The most disgusting thing conservatives or liberals can do is to try and silence the opposition just

This, ladies and gentlemen, is what happens when you raise a generation to believe that there are no bad ideas and that everyone’s opinion should be considered.

“Interplanetary Travel Is Only For the Rich”

“I’m delighted to see a group publish negative data, so we can say that something isn’t so.”

Do I actually have to point out that Pilobolus is not a plant?

Also, humans find it impossible to jump when their joints don't bend.

When Lost in Space came out, I was 10. I loved it! Just after I turned 11, Star Trek premiered. I could no longer tolerate Lost in Space. There. That's all the props I'll give it.

May is so boring, I just wish I could care during fights like this one... I really do. My wife and I keep screaming "GIVE US A REASON TO LIKE YOU"

Why not just do the first movie over and over with a new cast?