
The quality (or awfulness) of the rebooted-rebooted Fantastic Four won't be related to black or white actors.

Uh, huh.

And all this because autism is so very much worse than pandemic level, contagious, disfiguring, crippling, and lethal diseases.

I hate to bring up this little detail during such a grand and well-deserved reaming (so to speak), but the book wasn't written by an American.

I understand your disappointment—especially when looking at what's been done to the latest iteration of Superman—but, when you think about it, the number of movies that are true to their literary source material is vanishingly small; 'artistic license', I believe they call it. Why should comic book movies be any

Yeah. I tuned in for the first time a week ago. Now I'm on my third viewing of all available episodes. Not much else to say...

I also find it interesting that in an industry ruled by people who hate capitalism because it takes advantage of others, so often fails to credit or pay people who deserve it. Of course, the people in this industry also lobby for higher taxes, then take their business where they get the biggest tax breaks, so it's all

Sounds like a great excuse to get someone else to pay for your own clumsiness. What? Is that insensitive?

Climate change isn't a "possibility", it's a certainty. This is not to say we should panic over the human caused climate change; that's a red-herring seemingly created for the purpose of raising taxes to previously unheard-of levels. Instead, we should be preparing for the certainty that in the future, just as in the

If you think global warming is frightening, then you've never really looked at global cooling. Be afraid, be very afraid.

The concept that eruption of the Deccan Traps caused the demise of the dinosaurs is hardly new, but the idea was displaced by the Alvarez's instant-death-by-asteroid-impact, which was sexier and more sensational then more pedestrian volcanic eruptions. There has been plenty of evidence around that the asteroid impact

Sea level has been on the rise—at the same rate—for well over two hundred years. Why panic now? Oh, right. Since we started spewing CO2 into the air 100 years ago, it's all our fault.

That raising the CO2 content of the atmosphere from 3/100 of one percent to 5/100 of one percent will kill all life on Earth, despite the fact that the dinosaurs lived with up to 1/2 of one percent and survived just fine.

You mean, collapse the US economy and bankrupt the government so he can fail to fix a problem that happens regularly, cyclicly, with or without our help?

Wow! Way to take a couple of true concepts, wrap them in a big fat lie, and sensationalize it for fun and profit! It's not as pervasive or effective as Global Warmism, but it tries.

It looks quite similar to a Drosera burmannii, but the latter doesn't have the trigger tentacles.

Uh, yeah. Many plates move an average of 3cm or more per year. They'd shear off such an elevator in no time. And, let's not even talk about the heat, or the issue with air pressure, or how you'd protect such a construction from the incredible pressure of 6,400 km of rock overhead, or...

Munsters....I dunno about that, but Bryan Fuller! Yes! I'll certainly give it a shot. However, if it is great, odds are it'll be cancelled, as most of Bryan Fuller's past, brilliant work has been.

OMG. "Global warming affected the core"? Really?!?!?