
Oy, folks: I always said I’d never do one of these posts, but I’m nothing if I’m not a hypocrite.

I’m out.

Nothing to do with this community, and everything to do with the fact that I’ve hung too much of my sense of self on being a “voice” around here for way, way too long.

I don’t actually have my burner code, so once I

I hate most memes.

Except those that appeal to me.

In this, I maintain the hypocrisy of the modern human experience: I will hashtag my activism, lambaste others, and yet get my stuff stuck completely in my craw when called out on my own failures.

Absolute truth.

I’m an X/Y cusp myself. My age group shits on Millennials because we don’t want to -be- Millennials.

Millennials are already shitting on Gen Z.

Gen Z will inevitably shit on the battery of folks (AA) that come after them.

It’s human nature to lament that our children are not what we thought we were; it’s

Life in Aggro hit it clean out of the park this time. The connection between a max-level, epic NPC sending a new player character off to do something they could do quickly and with little risk and the fact that much of the older generation is currently telling younger folk to “pull themselves up by their bootstraps”

Such pen.

Very pal.

Exchanging journals via wormholes wow!

Chrono Trigger.

Yes, it’s not nearly as advanced or as fully developed as the likes of Persona 5 (which had a banging soundtrack), but the ears of nostalgia have long memories.s

The reason I hate the Fratley/Freya romance so much is because Freya spends the entirety of the game up until Cleyra focused on finding Fratley.

Then she does, and not only does he not remember her—the dude buggers off just before Beatrix shows up to drop the heavy end of the hammer on the tree folk. Like, he shows up

I’ll agree with you up to a point:

XV had the most emotionally impactful ending sequence for about the first half of that sequence. Without spoiling anything too much, the brotherhood/camaraderie that’s established between the Big Four during the course of the game definitely felt earned (except for that deus ex

Now playing

...holy shit.

On a related note, I believe I’ve found this woman’s theme song:

Those of us swimming through middle age, who still have a clear memory of this event.

That’s who else.

...god damn, are we getting old.

Christ, it’s hard to think of that game as being a quarter-century old.

I remember my cousins coming over for a visit, and my older cousin—who was in high school (I was in eighth grade when Donkey Kong Country launched) asking to play to see if he actually wanted to buy it.

My older cousin was someone I looked up to—and

Others have already said it: it depends upon who you’re talking to.

I’m a redhead, myself. I’m what Cartman would label a “day walker,” because my hair’s auburn, rather than fiery, and I tan instead of burn. I also collect freckles like they’re going out of style.

Over the course of my life, I’ve had people make fun of

Despite the fact that BB is supposed to stand for “Bridge Baby,” I referred to my little buddy as “Bottle Baby” up until a certain event in the game.’s definitely going to be “Box Baby” from now on.

Honestly, Death Stranding—now that I’ve finished it—is simultaneously the most compelling and most

...I think I love you for this.

While I don’t doubt that the experts know their field, I wonder if they’re selecting for sample populations in a fashion that serves their thesis.

I live on the shore of Lake Erie. The Canada geese here are absolute asshats, largely because they know they’re protected (migratory bird act and all). They hiss, bite at,

“Truly, you are among the most intrepid of explorers. Here’s a new poncho—and maybe a lick of paint for your Droid. Rewards commensurate with your effort!”

I’m enjoying the game, but yeah...I keep expecting Jughead to show up.

Speaking as a man of the auburn persuasion, we need more banked fires, rather than outright carroty blazes (and there’s not a damned thing wrong with the flaming red of some gingers, either--it’s just that I’ve yet to play a game that understands there’s a gradient from “holy shit that’s red” to “oh, so you’re

It’s a hell of a way to go through life, true—but those of us who love our cats/dogs despite being allergic to them have willingly embraced the Breathless Bass look when in our own homes.

...exactly how many flop-couches were constructed out of The Beast?

If the answer isn’t “all of them,” then you obviously did it wrong.  Go back and try again. /s