
The thing about the ubiquity of alcohol in university/college settings is that it is largely ubiquitous because everyone expects it to be ubiquitous; it’s just another permutation of the aphorism about tradition “it’s that thing we do because it’s the thing we’ve always done.”

I didn’t drink -at all- during my first

Now that I’ve finished the game, I’ve gotta give the character (and by extension, Mads himself) a lot more credit.

Kojima still Kojima’ed all the fuck over that script, though.

I feel you on this one. On the one hand, I can understand wanting to pronounce a non-native word as closely as is possible to correct in its native tongue.

On the other, I mostly understand doing that in the nation/linguistic region the word comes from—not, y’know, busting it out in casual conversation just to show

Well then, welcome, brother! We have name tags, meetings, and there’s definitely not a poker and beer night after the meetings.

Definitely not.

Absolutely. I wouldn’t want Kojima to be anything other than Kojima, purple prose choked bullshit and all.

I guess what I was getting at is that I don’t hate The War Veteran for his motivations. I hate him for his affectations.

I have a ridiculous hatred for performative puffery in all walks of life; folks who affect

Are you also an egotistical asshole who feels increasingly isolated despite having a loving, awesome wife, and who doesn’t know how to get his head out of his own ass and stop wishing for his college days?

Because, yeah, we could be twins.  Especially if you drink! ;)

Clearly, this list needs a photo of me.

...I may be a ginger, but a hero/space wizard, I am not.

Honestly, I think the only thing that makes me hate The Combat Veteran is the stupid affectations all Kojima villains end up pulling: the long, slow drag on the cigarette, the eyelids fluttering shut as he turns his face toward the sky—it’s all just so hilariously over-dramatic that I want to shake the guy.

It’s like,

It’s always such an excellent case study in (unintentional) irony when someone uses “kids” as an insult in an argument that is—by its definition and merits—inherently childish.

Denigrating people/telling them they don’t matter because of where they live is both myopic and insanely arrogant. The food you eat is

Until recently, I lived in Kentucky—in the county—about twenty minutes outside of one of the three major cities in that state.

The “cable” internet option routinely hit about 10mbps down, and about 7 up. DSL was markedly worse—and when we complained, we were told “we can’t get good lines out that far.”

I now live on the

I had my first panic attack at 34.

I legitimately thought I was having a heart attack, and was convinced I was about to die.

Definitely went to the ER for it.

...once they got a good look at me, my vitals, and my rapidly-falling (back to normal) blood pressure, the docs told me I’d basically had an unprovoked freakout.


I think that swagger’s going to be mitigated by the fact that there’s a subscription fee (for the pro level, anyhow) combined with having to buy the games (which isn’t the case for most other sub-streaming services) on top of the latency problem.

It’s a grand idea, but its pricing model sucks, and the connectivity

My dude, you’re the one who got after me for quoting from someone else and told me to “articulate my thoughts.” The misattributed quote was snark—if you didn’t want a full run-down of the problem with claiming that your OP counts as “criticism,” you really shouldn’t have used that as a line of attack.

It occurs to me

I am deeply ashamed of the mistake. Because I suspect our friend here will dismiss my second reply to them (and because I’d like to make amends for conflating two of my favorite films), I offer you a copy-paste of my response to the OP when they decided it’d be a good idea to tell me I was lame for not “articulating

Oh, is this the game we’re playing?

Okay, let’s do this by the numbers then: What you’ve done here is confused criticism, which is a generally thoughtful, analytical process that evinces both an understanding of the art/practice/or form being criticized and a functional knowledge of the component parts thereof with bitc

I stand corrected, and thoroughly ashamed.

I stand corrected, and thoroughly ashamed.

I feel like R. Lee Ermey recorded his “lighten up, Francis” line specifically for you, likely a couple of decades or more before you were ever born.

That man was a national treasure—not least for his clairvoyant ability to detect nascent edgelording still years away from the womb.

The theme better be sprouts, then; anything else is likely to involve herbs.

Handle/comment synergy is on point.

Here’s a pro-tip: Coming from someone who started out as a console gamer way back with the Atari 2600, any of this platform divisiveness bullshit is always a product of the person(s) peddling it.

If someone’s PC-exclusive and gives you shit for being a console peasant, that’s their