
Iran is quickly becoming westernized, isn’t this what the US wanted? An Islamic country that has a pretty relaxed culture?

Remember, if you fuck up in Saudi Arabia, you’ll lose your head. In Iran, you’ll probably lose a few years..... That sounds much better than, oh, I dunno. DEATH!

its the same old shit the american gov use... they are all dictators they all kill their own people..they all violate human rights ...they all kill gay people...bla bla bla. Im not saying they are lying its just that SO many countries that are allies to the US gov do and did the same all this years and today and they

“The United States had gone to war declaring it must destroy an active weapons of mass destruction program. Instead, American troops gradually found and ultimately suffered from the remnants of long-abandoned programs, built in close collaboration WITH THE WEST.”From your link.Thank you american idiot for proving me

This was a case of pwnage so complete and brutal that reading it felt like taking repeated body blows from Ali while dealing with the after effects of Taco Tuesday. Unfortunately, I don’t think the intended target got the same (or any) impact out of it. Whether a troll or an idiot, you can never truly win but thanks

Actually, I would consider them more trustworthy than the Gulf Arabs. And rapprochement with Iran is actually a good thing. They may be buying Russian military kit, but they have also ordered 100-odd Airbuses and are negotiating with Boeing for a similar number of brand new planes.

Right, he sent them on trucks, through the open desert, without anyone noticing.

Your the one spouting jingoisms.

Oh i thought the US is all about helping the uprisings of the Arab Spring? I guess the US only helps if they get gassed even though they can be shot at all the same. Oh wait the US 5th Fleet is based at Bahrain...oops nvm my bad

OMG the Pentagon needs to hire you! Looks like you know where ISIS in Syria is better than the actual Syrians who LIVE THERE.

You know that’s funny, because if you listen to every single US MSM outlet, all they are screaming about is “US backed moderate rebels, opposition etc”, like someone gave them a command. Yet, you won’t see a SINGLE name. This is just surreal. Or not. They all “suddenly” forgot the reports about the failed 500-million

The apology came from US Navy Vice Admiral William McRaven himself. Got anything else to say?

Oh good god the loot opening animation is near pornographic.

Eh, close enough.

Well, we saw how it turned out when the people who can’t figure out how to run a DMV decided to rebuild Iraq, so the single largest country in the world (by size) should be easy to figure out! Right?

Now playing

“high altitude carpet bombing” - I never thought 5-6K meters was considered as “high altitude”.

Dur dur ‘murica yeeeeeee haaaww! Dem der rooskies are out to take our freedoms!!

Give it time, my fellow “FSB-Putin-Propaganda-Troll”(C), we might just see Constantinople be a Christian capital again. If Sultan Erdogan forgets to fill his prescription again.

For a better tomorrow:

Well, the Obama regime is trying overthrow an internationally recognized government of Syria and replacce it with Islamic militants to achieve its agenda and appease Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia.Yeah, not gonna happen.

Big money is behind everything. I remember laughing at predictions of wars over resources but how wrong was I.