
Honestly, I know there are some yokels that really do believe it, but I think the majority of people who “believe” fall more into the “want to believe” category. They want it to be true, because then it’s like they are living in some crazy dystopian feature film. They know its not true, but they hope beyond hope that

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Oxitec’s GM mosquitos carry a heritable genetic trait which renders any offspring unable to survive without the antibiotic tetracycline.

“I love all my children equally, from the virus to the blue whale. But do I care if you live or die? Sorry, but not really. Your death is just an opportunity for life for others. I won’t go out of the way to save you or kill you.

Seems that the poster is saying there may be a correlation between giving the TdAP vaccinne to pregnant women and the massive increase in microcephaly cases. (150cases one year, to over 3,530 the following year). It is feasible that either the vaccine is causing the actual problem, OR the vaccine somehow makes a fetus

I don’t see stunning, I see dated graphics with purple and green. The Witcher was stunning, WoW hasn’t been in ages.


Or googly eyes on the intakes.^^

The manufacturing capability for these engines is being re-located to russia.

So they are actually doing anything but releasing new games.

Netflix trailers are almost always awesome. This is one of the exceptions. That song, whether it is good or not, just doesn’t fit. Like, ewww.

Article V only applies in case of being attacked. If the Sultan Erdogan goes completely off his meds and violates the Montreaux convention = declares war on Russia, he is “YoYo”, article V doesn’t apply.

Waiting for

one simple fact remains. invaders developing weapons to conquer.

So is Eisenhower.

Amazon drone.

Great....wait’ll the kid asks if they can have some, too.

Oh yeah, this was exclusive for the Comic-Con audience.

This has gotta be a trailer cut just for the fans, right? I don’t care how charismatic Ryan Reynolds is, can’t imagjne a wide release trailer for a superhero movie ending with:

Yep, it’s definitely an R now, and it’s gonna earn it.