
Its not their place. When black characters are white washed, the black community rightfully complains about how stupid and to a degree, unfair that is. When asian characters are white washed, asians can express their anger if they so choose, and I won’t disagree with them. When characters who are established as white

Generally speaking, that’s true. But it goes both ways. People who talk about “diversity” dont really care about diversity. They’re all looking for a specific race or status, NOT true diversity. It has become code for “needs more black characters” or “wow, no gay characters? Author must be a bigot!”. Seems like we all

The same could be said of those who assailed The Witcher 3 for its lack of their specific regional diversity. No one cares about diversity in reality. Everyone cares about seeing themselves represented. That’s all it is ever about.

“...or should we demand that anyone who attempts to write Geralt of Rivia be a mutated swordsman with minor magical powers, who also has to be a minimum of one-hundred years of age?”

This is Bethesda, I would expect somehow finding more bugs rather than less.

why did you feel the need to point out that there is a black protagonist? did you feel the need to point out that there is an Asian protagonist in mirrors edge: catalyst? do you feel the need to point out that there’s white protagonists and every other game ?

Westie said in the stream that he liked how they made the combat more visceral. I think it’s going to be this time.

Battlefield 1 looks like one if the mimost interesting shooters I’ve seen in a while. I play BF4 religious, hope they make the combat more brutal and viscous.

Please piss off to tumblr, you cunt.

The hole in your logic is that you assume that when one side or the other gets the upper hand the “civilian” tragedy will cease.

So, another country having fun is recruitment? I guess those pigs the U.S. dropped were for Recruiting?

It’s a perfectly valid comment.

We are animals and there is a biology component to who we date, and there is nothing less attractive to a woman than a dickless guy who is the sexual equivalent of the safety school you applied to in high school.

She’s having sex with Harvard, while Mr. University of Arizona-Tucson just

Grow a dick. This is why she doesn’t like you. You don’t have a dick. I’m sure this “C” guy gives it to her like she dishes it out and that’s what she craves. I’m just amazed someone can be this dickless. Call it love, call it sex, but let’s call a spade a spade - you need to alpha up your beta game. Praise Jebus I’ve

And nothing of value would be lost

In the meantime, China has infused all Apple devices with a small charge that can be remotely detonated, enabling China to exterminate all hipsters, tech-savvy baby boomers, and all of Gawker media.

Phosphorus on people still ok. got it. lol.

US was dropping cluster bombs and phosphorus in OIF

Hang on, I drew a gentlemen’s sausage on it....... There we go, that looks like the appropriate Coat of Arms of a nation with an barbaric ideology

Iran is quickly becoming westernized, isn’t this what the US wanted? An Islamic country that has a pretty relaxed culture?

Remember, if you fuck up in Saudi Arabia, you’ll lose your head. In Iran, you’ll probably lose a few years..... That sounds much better than, oh, I dunno. DEATH!

Actually, I would consider them more trustworthy than the Gulf Arabs. And rapprochement with Iran is actually a good thing. They may be buying Russian military kit, but they have also ordered 100-odd Airbuses and are negotiating with Boeing for a similar number of brand new planes.