
Oh good god the loot opening animation is near pornographic.

Eh, close enough.

Well, we saw how it turned out when the people who can’t figure out how to run a DMV decided to rebuild Iraq, so the single largest country in the world (by size) should be easy to figure out! Right?

Now playing

“high altitude carpet bombing” - I never thought 5-6K meters was considered as “high altitude”.

Dur dur ‘murica yeeeeeee haaaww! Dem der rooskies are out to take our freedoms!!

Give it time, my fellow “FSB-Putin-Propaganda-Troll”(C), we might just see Constantinople be a Christian capital again. If Sultan Erdogan forgets to fill his prescription again.

For a better tomorrow:

Well, the Obama regime is trying overthrow an internationally recognized government of Syria and replacce it with Islamic militants to achieve its agenda and appease Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia.Yeah, not gonna happen.

Big money is behind everything. I remember laughing at predictions of wars over resources but how wrong was I.

I don’t see stunning, I see dated graphics with purple and green. The Witcher was stunning, WoW hasn’t been in ages.


Or googly eyes on the intakes.^^

The manufacturing capability for these engines is being re-located to russia.

So they are actually doing anything but releasing new games.

Article V only applies in case of being attacked. If the Sultan Erdogan goes completely off his meds and violates the Montreaux convention = declares war on Russia, he is “YoYo”, article V doesn’t apply.

Waiting for

one simple fact remains. invaders developing weapons to conquer.

So is Eisenhower.

Amazon drone.