
Oh yeah, this was exclusive for the Comic-Con audience.

This has gotta be a trailer cut just for the fans, right? I don’t care how charismatic Ryan Reynolds is, can’t imagjne a wide release trailer for a superhero movie ending with:

Yep, it’s definitely an R now, and it’s gonna earn it.

honestly I think it looks better with the jiggle. I say keep it.

Now playing

Wow - great stuff, I had no idea that concurrency was the norm in military procurements of this size. I can see it possibly working with more common, and less complex weaponry and equipment, but friggin’ aircraft carriers? Damn. Did nobody ever listen to Eisenhower, like ever?

Eh, your article shoves a lot of the blame on the baron rather than the wife, but the wife was nowhere near innocent either. Yeah, he shouldn’t have abused her regardless, but she actually *wanted* him to kill her. She also cheated on him long before the abuse.

I was going to say the same thing. Kind of ridiculous to just toss that in there like that.

“The game with all the white people”

Oh look, someone who doesn’t know what they are talking about.

What? No “Shut up or I’ll give you something to cry about.”?

First time I get to use this in response.

Yoga pants of the future, mate! Yoga pants of the future... (women say they are comfortable)

I started back around 2005 when DOTA got hella good, when you showed it to friends it caught on like wildfire.

He read the article and decided to express his opinion and comments on it in the comments section, just like anyone else would. Not sure what's wrong with that.

This is one of those articles I look at and think:

The Order is by far the best looking game ever released, and that includes high end PC titles.


Yeah, maybe in pedant land, but in the world of video games, third person refers to a camera that follows behind a character. The camera style in MOBAs is almost exclusively isometric.

No one's strong as Gaston,
No one's long as Gaston,
No one's got such an incredible schlong as Gaston.
In Disney there's no one with half the talent
In the bedroom and with the brawn.