Wise decision; let the shitty game speak for itself. Gameplay looks terrible. Can't wait to play.
The change to the search function is huge, in my opinion; I find myself significantly less stressed while exploring new areas now. I was TERRIFIED of unlocking the Perk that increases the Search range, for fear of crumbling under the weight of the unanswered search "ping", but I might actually do it now.
How am I supposed to fap to this now?
Hm. Good question. You're right, it's complicated—precisely because everyone has their own identities, there isn't a sure-fire catch-all label for people. It doesn't come up too much in my daily conversation for me to label someone, so I don't usually, unless I know they like to refer to themselves as something in…
I'm jumping in just to say most people I know who refer to themselves as "Mexican-American" or "Salvadoran-American" and so on are people whose families very recently made the move the U.S., so they still feel a strong cultural connection to their family's origins, even if they themselves were born in the U.S. I often…
The easiest way to seem masterful is to pan everything.
Much prefer this to WWF/WWE
Yannick, I'm rolling around over here! You're reviewing style is awesome.
I mean, you could play as common folk and instead get killed through someone else's naive decisions.
Still waiting for the Thai lady-boy DLC.
Westerners don't seem to care they are offending people using actual USSR army issue clothing peaces as fashion accessories, so why should Koreans care about resembling Nazis?
It was better when games "made you violent", this whole "over-sexualizing" bullshit needs to end, who honestly gives a shit if your character is a beefy dude with huge arms or a woman with a perfect body showing lots of skin, it's a game.
if i paid for it YES THE FUCK I AM. But since nobody knows yet we'll just wait it out.
Whelp, looks like I'm pirating these games. I hate UPlay more than anything.
The difference is hes gonna be hitting them...with finesse