
People need to chill on that stupid nontroversy. The reason their aren't any Female skins for the main character is because of the nature of the games persistent MP. Everyone plays as Arno. So it wouldn't make sense for other players to use anyone but Arno in their own games. I agree that they could have very easily

Or as Michael Jackson would call it, a blessing.

There are many ways in hell many people spent today doing just that :(

this is America anything is possible.

No its not only her. But Kotaku has an agenda to push. The game director from Black Ops 2 at its height got 1,000's of death threats a day. No one cared then.

"most vitriolic case of unexamined privilege"

You should try reading the article and then commenting again.

Its a lot easier when you go for cartoony graphics.

As long as they do a decent job of the PC version that allows me to play it in 2560/3840 x 1440 then I'll be happy. However, based on how badly they coded ACIII and IV to use CPUs I'd imagine us PC Master Race will be pretty unhappy with our own lot soon enough.


the funny thing is that cod uses the same old pretty much all the *new*maps could have been dlc.


Best RPG franchise of last gen ?Hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahah. Aaahhh. Man, I will be sure to read it. You got me there, I swear.

People don't understand your logic because most people decide to buy a game based on gameplay or such. Not something as incredibly superficial as player skin

All i was thinking was

I fapped to your anti-fap post warning.

Yes, you're right. But consider that they made exactly what NOBODY else did. A easy to learn, hard to master MMO.

THIS GUY. He's knows what's up.

Well HoN was one of the original 3, the other 2 being DOTA and LOL. So maybe if you know anything about this genre then your motherfucking comment would be relevant

String goes in first joint of the finger, not the second, no matter what draw you use.