what? you never saw a porn when you were underage? i know i did.
what? you never saw a porn when you were underage? i know i did.
seriously..wtf? why you make this a *women* issue?
shame on you jason.
Actually im more sick of kids getting guns thanks to their parents.
i know. but thats what the guy used to say...and whats amurica saying since 9/11
Bush said it best *you are with us ..or against us*.
just reading it. thanks for the heads up.
but the question remain.. why should they? the chinese..or anybody else..not american..should give 2 fucks about your sensitivity at this point?
100 ,000 i think the number was much higher..
yep..now you are either gay or feminist...or you are part of the minority in kotaku.
i have to agree good sir.
sure..there is nothing like 64 p conquest metro right?? ffs....
you know she is.
im not complaining about quiet..but about the bitches who complain about her being..*too sexy*. + who gives a shit about child soldiers? its become a part of war since war started.. isnt going away anytime soon son.
And most of us dont give a shit about the reason why...they dont need a reason to make her sexy.at all.
whos the writer again? oh yeah..
damn that girl is hot.
wait..big boss was a faggot?