look who is the writer. i have absolutly no interest in her personal life nor care nor know shit about it.. but i can bet my life she is lesbian.
look who is the writer. i have absolutly no interest in her personal life nor care nor know shit about it.. but i can bet my life she is lesbian.
wait wait a second... they dont export their games cause those games have being horrible for the last 13 years.
check the writer.
just wondering..why the fuck does he needs a justification to make her sexy?
My theory its that kojima its one of the men of the world who likes women,
rly? you grew to like dicks now?
its the new age ..didnt you know? now tits are wrong..homosexuals are cool.
rly? who does raiden looks like a faggot? i never knew.
OHHH BUT if you say something about how homosexual look raiden...then they will jump on you like sharks.
They are putting FAR too much attention to the jezebel crowd this days. Between the feminists and the anti-violence movement ( the ones bitching about why there is so much violence in games this days , and how they should find other ways of telling stories.) My hobby will go to hell.
nudes or gtfo
Good luck! Bang her till she cries!
i dont really see the problem with all this. in fact. i dig it.
i hated it at first...almost a year later i noticed things you can do in combat i had no idea.. for example those DOUBLE takedowns are not limited to when 2 guys attack at the same time, you can do it at will if you know how. and many other things you dont really get explain in the game. ONCE i knew those many…
As another peruvian i have to agree with this guy.
If you believe or not. its absolutely irrelevant. Way to go envy!
yes and plasma has no input lag issues..
im getting the ps3 version because i cant fucking wait to play this game. now.. we all know those graphics we see on the trailers no chance in hell are console graphix.. so we are pretty sure they have a pc version on the works wich they will announce at some point in the future.
you are the soul of the party uh?
haha my girls will laugh so hard when they see this..