Well, 1 out of 2 ain't bad.
Well, 1 out of 2 ain't bad.
I don't know, but something weird is going on with comments containing images over the past day or so. A couple of mine have disappeared entirely.
They should have Verizon Days with .002 cent specials.
I knew that before I specified the ferrignomagnetic "material" as a caption compared to the others, but, you know, it was afterall just a fucking JOKE. :)
No thanks, i('ll)Path.
Well you've just guaranteed that I'll never use your services, and I will strongly advise all my OSX/iPhone buddies to avoid you as well. Good job.
Maybe it was supposed to be:
Brill! Tape two shitty postcards together with the ring between 'em. What, 50 cents? :)
I was disappointed, but not surprised, when I didn't see any of his followers make a "Sineplex" joke.
Fortunately, "Commenter" is not an elected position.
Yep, but shipping is ~20 € or so, at least on the ones I saw.
Shut up, Smarty! ;)
And extinction hit them before the Black environmental movement — which would have harnessed the power of coal and oil to save water — really caught on. Damn, and they were -> this <- close!
That's what I thought at first, too. But the bump just allows the top ring to tilt up a bit, like a rocker, (headbang!) so I wouldn't expect the fatigue to be that much worse that on "ghetto" keyrings.
But then they'd be the White Pages. Confusion would ensue.
Great, but make sure your phone's charged prior to any blackout.