
Wow, well I'd probably only be able to afford a cruise on that last one. Cozy!

There's a real boom of bright kids these days.

"And speaking of Andie MacDowell, in 1996 she made a move with John Travolta called "Michael" in which she sings. A critic wrote: "If you think Andie MacDowell can't act, just wait until you hear her can't sing".

Sea Monsters: I seez dem.

Screw that, the Tall Man will get me!

Assuming that this is true...:

Give the PRS-T1 a shot. You can root it, use custom homepages, install the Market and Apps, including the Kindle app. :)

Whew. I thought this was going to say they were queuing on a roof.

Yeah, I noticed that the other day for the first time. I must have had a previous session on i09, because I ended up on an article there from here, and saw the notification for a reply here. That makes sense. I would actually prefer that if we're logged into one Gawker site we're logged into the others too. But

I almost mentioned that when the first Outrage was posted last week, but then I realised I still have to sign into each one individually. Maybe I'm doing it wrong.

Maybe publishers should get tax credits based on the tiered lending licenses. 1-5 concurrent lending licenses, no credit, 1-10, a bit of a credit, 20+, up to Unlimited for a big fat credit.

Court cases?

But since there's no real variety, everyone else is essentially having the exact same sex with your girlfriend.

This URL is another fine example of Comments Trumping OP. All we need is another author implosion, just to keep the trend going.

Well, some people might say "Stop ruining your cases with iPhones."

Is "ADS" taken?


Well, FROM The Simpsons, at least. I think it looks more like Mr. Burns on drugs.

In yo FACE, Newt.

Oh, Newt. Stop your waning.