Okay, no snark, no cynicism... That's pretty awesome.
Yeah, it REALLY freaked my friend Gary out. I actually checked with me to make sure that this vault always just said Gary and that he wasn't living out some sort of creepypasta...
"You made your choice to play it on Xbox One."
I'm not upset about not playing them in the same way I'm not upset about not being able to play a blu-ray disc on my DVD player. I understand they're for different systems. But when I buy the same edition at the same cost of the same thing and I receive a quarter less for it? Yeah, that sucks...
That's two strikes now that Xbox will be missing out of 8 total. That's a big chunk of the game unfortunately. And there's always been exclusives... It doesn't bother me that I couldn't play Last of Us or LittleBigPlanet on Xbox. I mean, I would love to play them, but I understand that PS has them and Xbox doesn't.…
A month? I'd be totally fine with this if I got those two extra strikes next month. We're talking at LEAST a year here. In a game that only has what... five strikes currently on Xbox? I understand that some games come out on only one system, but it's this partial content for one system that just sucks...
I genuinely love this game, but for the life of me I don't understand why they spent so much time creating different kinds of ships that do NOTHING but hover on a loading screen, while everyone has the same one design of speeder which gets used all the time.
I just wanted to point out that the vault in the Tower IS a shared character vault. I started my Warlock because I got a legendary helm for one with my Hunter. I threw it in the vault, got my Warlock up to 20 and grabbed it first thing out of the same vault. So there is that for what it's worth...
As others have said, he appears somewhere in the Tower (various random locations) on Fridays and Saturdays. He'll be hooded and spooky looking, and he'll have a vendor icon over his head (which makes him a lot easier to spot). Fortunately the Tower isn't very big, so you can quickly run through all the options and…
I randomly decoded a blue to purple (for a different class) back when I was level 22ish. Now that I've hit 26th (by purchasing armor via Vanguard Marks and Strange Coins) I've received three of four more legendaries. While I obviously can't guarantee, I feel like the chances increase for higher stuff as you get higher…
It wouldn't be the first time Bungie used a small comic relief floating sidekick as a friend then foe...
Because he punched a woman he loved in the face hard enough to knock her out.
I swear sitting on your own nuts is one of the most humbling experiences a man can have...
And if your suggestion was we need more police then I may have been behind you. As you wouldn't have ended up with a "car full of dead thugs" if that had been a police officer.
New York is second on that list and has some of the most restrictive gun laws. So maybe, just MAYBE gun laws aren't the sole decider of safe.
Or they would have shot him and he'd be dead now.
Very true, and if nothing else... you can think of it this way. The extra money that MS pays them for a timed exclusive just makes another Tomb Raider that much more possible!
Finally I can relive the days of my youth solving logical puzzles like rescuing a princess by dropping the cheese which attracts a mouse which distracts the cat, then removing my boots so the cat doesn't hear me approach allowing me to take a piece of fur which, when placed on the guard, will cause the dog to chase…
My feelings exactly. So much wailing and gnashing of teeth because they'll have to wait a couple of months more to play it (unless they or a friend also owns an Xbox One).