
There's not a lot of info given about them in game. But as I understand it, burning the card is more like a signal that you need assistance (from the same mysterious people that are watching you and gifting you with the "Burn Card"). So it's less mystic and more calling in a favor from a shadowy organization...

Oh lighten up Francis... I didn't call you a name, I just said that you were behaving like an asshole. There's nothing wrong with the headline. It rubbed you the wrong way and that's fine. But this comment: "I know you're desperate for clicks in order to keep your employment in these anemic times for website ad

I'm saying you have no basis for an opinion on her work. You read ONE sentence and then decided to not only not read it, but comment specifically to criticize her for her work. She played Destiny for 45 minutes, I'm assuming that's not the part you had trouble with. So your whole issue came down to the fact that she

Yes, but you then skipped the article for a more "professional" article. Her headline states her opinion about the game which she then backs up in the article. It sounds more like you really want to like this game and have decided not to read any negative press or something. I understand that hyperbolic headlines are

Wait, so you've formed your opinion about the headline without reading her article? How do you know the article doesn't conform to that headline? I would honestly love to hear how you can be so dismissive and disrespectful of a person without having any idea as to whether or not you're right.

I agree, but that understanding of what's reasonable to expect in a relationship comes with emotional maturity. I don't mean to sound like I'm arguing with you here... I feel like we're just one step away from each other on one point and otherwise in complete agreement :)

When it leads to things like yelling at the other person and calling them names and such then it absolutely is wrong. No question. I'm referring more to the guys who get upset and don't want to be friends anymore and then get accused of just wanting sex from the person. Walking away from them is a result of hurt

Everyone is afraid of rejection on some level... Everyone does not have the same emotional maturity to handle rejection though. Getting angry and lashing out is what they do when they don't know how to handle themselves emotionally. That's not to say that everyone who lashes out in anger can eventually grow into

No no, I'm glad you responded in depth! I find this whole thing interesting! It must be really hard to see someone you consider a friend suddenly flip out like that, but that all comes from the same place that made it impossible for him to just ask you out. It took me until my mid-twenties before I really grew up

Of course, by no means does this belong to one gender or another. And I fully agree that women should feel just as comfortable making a move as guys do! It just takes different people a different amount of time to get to that point where they feel comfortable putting themselves out there. As I mentioned elsewhere, I

Yeah, romantic comedies have done terrible things... for both men and women honestly...

Yes, I'm sure that there are more of those types of guys than I would like to admit. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be just those guys that are getting labeled with the "Friend Zone" thing...

Right, it has a lot to do with fear. That fear of rejection usually comes from a lack of experience with women and while they know the words, they worry about being able to ask a girl out without coming across as creepy, stalker-like, etc... but it's not like you ever get totally over being afraid of rejection, you

Jeez... if I had a nickle for every one of my dates that have ended up being watched from the bushes by Neil Patrick Harris...

Yeah, that sucks... Some people just take forever to work their emotions out. If you don't mind the personal question... may I ask how old the guys were/are?

It's funny, but I think this whole "Friend Zone" / "Nice Guy" thing has just ballooned recently. Way too often do I see "evil" motives attached to the whole thing. The guy is "evil" and is just acting nice in order to get sex. The girl is "evil" and is purposely stringing the guy along for her own benefit...

Frozen Yogurt?

If it makes you feel any better, I think a lot of the time that's just hurt feelings talking. The guy(s) liked you and wanted there to be more... Guys do this because they don't know or aren't confident enough to do it any other way. I know this because this was how I spend my early romantic life. I was friends with

I did the same thing... The ring levels were the WORST part of the game. Granted the non-ring levels were the second worst part of the game, but still... once you had actual powers it was marginally better.

I had the fortune of working with Howard Scott Warshaw on another game and we got to talk about ET for a while. It's sad that the game has the reputation that it does as the fact that he was able to get ANYthing playable out in that amount of time is pretty damn impressive. :)