
I've noticed it before... but the worst was on a Capture the Flag match (the first one I played). The other team was clearly communicating and just murdering us. It was a bunch of low level first gens against a bunch of multi gens... It was absolutely of the CtF games where as soon as the team scores,

I believe the daughter just built the diorama of the solar system. He brought in the Oculus Rift of Titans in Space to show the kids the VR equivalent of what she built.

I believe that she built the diorama, then he brought in the Oculus Rift for the kids to use.

I LOVE this line of thinking. It's the ultimate ironic victim card... "You're not accepting of my bigotry!"

No, it has no consequence for MOST white people. There will be some white kids who live in predominantly black neighborhoods who could feel pretty demeaned by this...

Yet. But why encourage people to act this way to make fun of broad racial stereotypes? China almost owns the US now... does that mean white people will soon be able to do stupid "ching chong" type accents?

Personally, I like that we have a game where you're not the center of the universe. Yes, if one soldier stopped fighting, the war would continue right along without him... I think this is a better way to run the Campaign mode.

I think what this could set up is a stand alone single player game. Really the Campaign mode is just introducing you to the world, the sides involved in the conflict and such...

I would argue that it's because the AI enemies are not the focus in this game. They are simply additional targets. When I'm fighting nothing but AI and the AI sucks, that's real bad. When I'm fighting people and occasionally stop to kill an AI shooting at me, then it's fine...

I really wanted the Campaign to change depending on the win/loss of the match. Sort of like the original Wing Commander mission tree where things would get better or worse for that side as you did succeeded or failed missions. Still love this idea of having multiplayer with story though!

Awesome! I'm not sure why, but this game just feels more team oriented than most MP games I play. I played CoD a fair amount and I never felt like someone was willing to sacrifice themselves for the team. I see that all the time in this game. I've had teammates run up and gank Titans when I was piloting a Titan of my

There aren't enough things in this hobby that are a mix of fun and silly :)

I just want to put this out there from the perspective of the casual FPS fan. I'm the guy that loves to finish all the single player campaigns in games like Halo and CoD, then go on and play around in multiplayer. So I was a little concerned going in with a game that had no single player experience whatsoever.

Yeah, I didn't play the Beta and wasn't aware of just how bad that can be. In my very first match I was suddenly squished by an enemy Titanfall... :)

I don't think they're going to use Thanos in the Avengers: Age of Ultron movie. I believe he's being set up to use in the third movie. And so far the characters haven't stuck to either their 616 or Ultimate versions, so I'm not sure why there would be plot problems based solely on that.

That's Charlie's creepy uncle (the lawyer with the small hands)

By the Hammer of THOR!

I find this highly appropriate as I first read the name of these mints as "Ron Burgundy" Grape Mints...

That's easily the first two acts of a sci-fi horror story :)

I loved the story of Bioshock: Infinite... so, so much. That said, I really do feel like the need to have constant gun fights really ruined the gameplay for me. I felt like I just wanted SOMEthing else to do besides murder people. What I wanted to see more of were ways to talk/sneak/vigor your way around a fight.