
Hey Jim Carrey made a whole career off of it...

As I understand it, it means that those things are being created as you discover them. So instead of there being a big list of planets and their terrain and environments and assets and so on... The game creates the planet on the fly (most likely from a list of constraints of some kind).

That exactly what I thought too. If anyone remembers those Battle-Tech simulators at Virtual World... this would be a great way to use these things. Again, space issues are removed and you make money per use rather than once.

I hate the generalizations they used too... but seriously... can any but the most fit of us really consider running around on this thing for as long as they have run around in a game? I played Counter-Strike for almost 12 hours straight one day back in the day... I couldn't have done that in this rig. I mean, everyone

I don't think it's a double standard for the lone reason that Marvel spent four movies introducing us to almost everyone in that movie. We already knew who Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Fury, Black Widow, and Loki were. Even secondary characters like Selvig and the Tesseract had already been introduced. We also got

I always like this one from the original Fallout:

I'd be okay with that as well... though that's harder to do than it sounds. Building episodic games while also having a team build a new game entirely requires a very big team working remarkably well in concert with each other.

Okay, a touch off topic here, but I have a little story to tell (and it starts off from Vimire so there's some connection). I feel like I accidentally played the perfect storyline for Mass Effect. Let me explain... no, there is too much, let me sum up...

Which sounds great, but my only concern is how hard it would be to balance all of those characters and powers together. I mean, wouldn't Superman be Easy Mode for any of these games? And Robin becomes meaningless when you're faced against a Superman level villain.

You're right of course... but she was different hero as Oracle than she was as Batgirl. I just hate how belittling it sounds to call her BatGIRL. Of course, I hate the name Batwoman too so I'm not sure what I'm asking for here... I'm just sore is all I guess :)

You know, I'm totally okay with Arkham games becoming a yearly thing. Especially if they can start branching out into letting us play Nightwing, Batgirl (she really needs a better name), Robin, Catwoman, etc...

You know, this has made me think that it a Bat-Family game spanning the five years between Origins and Asylum would be pretty great. Getting to play an older Robin (who would transition into late in the game Nightwing), Batgirl, the other Robin and such as they're inspired to take up the Bat-Cause. It would really be

This is always an issue with comic continuity though. I mean think about it. Batman: Year One is set with the Gordon's baby, yet Barbara will eventually be born and become Batgirl before being shot and transitioning into Oracle. Robin joins Batman as a boy, grows up and takes on the mantle of Nightwing. During all of

Yeah, that's the conclusion I reached as well.

Thank goodness it wasn't just me... I re-read that sentence about five times trying to figure it out. I can't even figure out what it was supposed to say!

Seriously... that would be a fantastic new direction to take the series. You could still have Bruce Wayne as the Alfred/Oracle character and use Terry to jet around the new Gotham. The stealth suit and rocket boots alone would be worth the price of admission :)

Which makes sense... it never hurts to be thorough. Still, I can't help but feel that on this site, even people who have never played a Metroid game have picked up the style of play through cultural osmosis. :)

No, this is the internet... where it would not be unusual to have one browser tab open on hardcore pornography and another tab on where the phrase, "worth your salt" comes from. It's a magical place...

I thought it was an interesting lesson. I much prefer people correct and explain rather than just blindly correct.