
The company's position is that it's actually the opposite of racist, because it's not targeting black people. It's just ignoring them. They insist the worst people can call it is "indifferent".

I'm not going to get into mud slinging match here (and definitely not with someone who refers to the company as Micro$haft), but they were doing something innovative. Being able to re-sell or gift my digital games if I choose to do so is something that's not currently done. The sharing feature is something that's not

Right, that's the one that felt really true to life to me. If others could have learned from you though, then I would have forgiven that particular moment. When both of the opposing factions then made additional stupid decisions (ones that felt like they were complete reversals of their character... mage guild in

I loved Alpha Protocol. Obsidian needs to get together with a good publisher and get time to make more games the way they want. The only weak part of that game for me was the boss fights. I LOVED the first one where you could actually sneak up and boot him off the bridge, but after that they would force you into

That's your opinion... I don't find anything horrible in what they were doing. They were simply trying to switch how the system works and implementing features that aided the new system. That people freaked out about it for whatever reason and they listened is not a negative. And in no way were what they were trying

And just to be clear, I'm not trying to tell you your enjoyment was wrong in any way... just trying to clarify my point :)

No, and I get that... I didn't expect to have full control of them either. It was that their experiences and discussions could be completely opposite of what their actions were. Which wouldn't be so bad if it were strictly the big one at the end (trying to avoid spoilers for anyone else reading this). I didn't expect

My big problem was that Hawke felt like little more than an NPC in the game. Everybody made stupid decisions regardless of how you dealt with them or the things they had experienced with you. I felt like I had no control over anything that happened... I just killed stuff until they told me to stop...

As mentioned in my other post, if it was just her word against his, then nothing would have been done (and rightfully so)... But with video and text proof, it really shouldn't have taken more than a day or two to process this complaint.

I think it's the fact that he insulted her in game, then felt the need to follow that up with a text message, then follow THAT up with a voice message. That shows a level of craziness/misogyny that would freak me out too. This sort of behavior should absolutely result in a ban.

I used to work at Sony Online as an online moderator... we were responsible for patrolling games and kicking players out who were glitching, cheating, being abusive, etc... in fact, I was the guy that got that Erik Estavillo guy (the one who sued Sony, MS, and everyone else...) banned.

Yes, but I was fine with the old way as I have always used PCs :)

Well poop. I've already pre-ordered this for the 360 and I would love to build levels using my Surface Pro...

So the Toy Box app isn't coming to Windows Store?

I don't see how this isn't listening to their customers. They made a decision, people hated it, so they changed it... What would you rather have them do? Not change it just to spite people? People would have hated that too. It seems like people just get irrationally angry with MS right now no matter what they do.

No, but this isn't an interview and things can change constantly before release. To me this is like saying that you'll never buy anything from Nintendo again because the Gamecube didn't use CD's for their games. You hated that feature and they removed that feature... shouldn't this speak to their ability to listen to

What damage is done? The console hasn't even been released!

Hey! You got something against ants? :)


Agreed... I tried it out and disliked it. I was further disappointed that so much of the DLC was just skins and maps for multiplayer... I want tomb raiding out of my Tomb Raider dang it! Now... it they decide to do a co-op tomb raider thing with the multiplayer instead, then I'd be back on board...