Don't even get me started on Mass Effect 3 though... :P
Don't even get me started on Mass Effect 3 though... :P
Sorry... I've learned to just take people at their word when I'm talking to them on the internet. :)
I think your summary only holds true if these concepts were introduced out of the blue... which they were not. The game does a very good job of foreshadowing (even if you don't know it's foreshadowing until the second viewing) how the events have transpired. Things like Booker being very unaware of Colombia show that…
I loved the ending and though I may not be the best person to try and argue the game's story, I'll do my best (as nobody else is as of yet...). Also SPOILERS from here on out... though why you would be reading this far and still not expect spoilers, I don't know...
Seriously, go back and play it again... I was amazed at how much they lay out exactly what's happening through out the story. It's just on the first playthrough that it sounds like weird and/or crazy banter, but they really do lay everything out for you from the get go. If you don't want to play through the whole…
I assume this is Lex Luthor? So who do you bet on in this match if you're Lex Luthor? Do you go with your heart and bet on Ali because you really want Superman to be beaten or do you go with your head and bet on Superman because there's no way Superman loses that fight.
Just wait until we see Shaggy, Scooby and Wolverine hopped up on scooby snacks racing around a haunted house being chased by the spirit of Jean Grey.
Gosling claps in beat with all music...
Let me preface this statement by saying that I support the Xbox One, I've pre-ordered it already as it does exactly what I need it to do as an adult with a family (that is to say, my Xbox 360 gets used more often for TV than gaming nowadays)...
And I really hope something does make it worth it... I remember thinking that the Wii was a ridiculous gadget, but truth be told I loved it. I remember thinking that Guitar Hero was a desperate attempt at a "cool" DDR.
I understand your point and it's very defensible. I think you either hope that somebody comes along and designs a stellar game for a limited base that sells the device, or you include the device and give it a larger base and give devs extra incentive to add in support.
I think what Microsoft learned from the Kinect 1.0 is that if it's not guaranteed that people have the device, then devs won't (often) program for the device. Outside of games made solely for the Kinect, nobody had any real use for it. Now with it standard, devs might start devoting some time to using it properly.
Did they already go ahead and officially number the movie universes? I've always thought the multiverse was the best idea for Marvel as it allows them to say that everything is canon (on a side note, I have no idea why it makes a different that it's considered canon, but it does...)
So, Steam's model is the equivalent of what... manslaughter?
I think I'm growing tired of my gaming community... It's just become internet chic to hate on the Xbox One and people just jump right on board. Microsoft tried to bring the Apple or Steam model of game delivery to the consoles and everyone acts like they tried to give everyone cancer. I even saw someone literally…
I worked in QA for many years and let me tell you... working on a AAA title is great, but even then it gets to the point that you can't stand it. I worked on some genuinely fun games (Area 51 for PS2 for example) and by the end, even if you don't HATE it, you still don't really want to play it. I worked with a guy who…
Yeah, I was too... It wasn't until I re-read my post right now that I realized that was unclear
They're not forcing Kinect use on anyone... it will be available to everyone.
Really? I don't know if I'm in the minority or not, but I never liked the PS3 controls...
Jeez, people are really eager to hate Microsoft right now. I realize some people didn't care for the direction they were taking with DRM and such, but now it feels like people just really want Microsoft to lose... full stop.