
@Hongo: Of the many Tamagotchi-style pets I owned, Digimon was by far the greatest. Being able to battle people at school = full of win. Having the best pet in the school and letting a friend "take care of it - no battles!" for the duration of lunchtime and subsequently being handed back a dead pet... absolutely not

Why do I get the feeling this whole 'judging the market' spiel is just a way to grab some extra sales from the adventure fans hoping against hope that the genre will be reignited?

@VincentGrey: That's a damn lie. You can't have asked too many girls. Or, they were lying.

@Garudyne: That's strange! What console do your friends primarily own? I'm in the 360 camp over here... I wonder if there is some correlation.

@Pombar: For £20, I wouldn't complain one bit ;)

@ChiltonGaines: Kotaku Youth Rep: I lovvved FFX and the story - maybe for the story. The beginning was really long-winded though and I know it put a lot of people off - many of the people ragging on FFX didn't put more than 6 or so hours into the game, I'm willing to bet - or at least that seems to be the case with

@Pombar: I know, and this also makes me sad. I'm an RPG nut, JRPGs in particular. But I have a DS that I use a lot already, and the PSP is just too expensive for my tastes - well, last time I looked at the price it was. I don't feel like picking between which portable console I'm going to drag around anyway.

I played Fallout 3 at my grandparents house once. They sat there simultaneously enthralled and appalled for about an hour, while I exploded people's heads and did my damnedest to survive out there in that harsh wasteland.

Can't waaait to see what exorbitant price it'll be released for in Australia - $279.99 will be my tentative guess.

@Intelext: I'm an Xbox player and I 'approve' of the Wii. I think a lot of people's problems with the Wii though is poor implementation - there really are few 'gems' on the Wii that shine because of the use of motion control. Shovelware is just way too rampant on the Wii side of the gameverse.

I don't have a PSP. No one I know owns a PSP. If this is true, I'm going to be very sad.

@Leyviur: If confronted with this statement: "We can go kill 1000 mice right now and probably find a cure for what you have, or we can test this thing on you and you'll have a 10% chancce of living" then I can say with straight-faced honesty that I would go with the second one. I'm sorry, I just don't think that

@SlamDancinMoogle: Obviously we have extremely different values. Just because you 'cannot understand' something doesn't mean it must be wrong. Self awareness is typically equated with sentience, by the way. If you don't believe your animals are sentient after having 'twenty pets', I won't waste my time trying to

@TrjnRabbit: And... that's different from testing on and killing a bunch of

@UnseenK: Professional breeders = people who purposely introduce more animals when the species is already highly overpopulated and largely homeless. Purchasing from breeders only encourages them to breed more. More animals introduced into the world means more who will die in their place due to lack of resources to

@SlamDancinMoogle: My grandmother is an insulin-dependent diabetic and she has the exact same stance on the subject that I do.

@UnseenK: How did you obtain animals to sell in the pet store then? What happened to the ones that didn't get sold?

@TrjnRabbit: "Feel free to tell me how a position that seeks to hinder an activity that saves millions of lives is one that has the moral and ethical high ground."

My PS3 was a gift, but I wanted one to combine the convenience of playing and saving PS2 games to a hard drive with the ability to play the newest PS3 games. Enter 60gb PS3.