
How does this change anything? Non white people existed in medieval Europe. For that matter, none of what mentioned here neccecitates racial homogenity. Or, if you wanna go a step further, none of this require all the ppl to be specifically white.

Do japenese or chinese people living in their respective countries even differentiate themselves from “white” people? I wouldn’t be surprised if they considered themselves “white” while differentiating between themselves and caucasian people due to the difference in facial features.

They can probably (visually)

Yeah, but context doesn’t make rage bait articles!!

It’s always sad to see these African-American kids with no father figure in their lives...

Being trans is a fashion accessory for teenagers. 

In Spain, we use the term “feminazi” to describe a feminist so extreme in their beliefs that they impose them unto others or attack people who don’t adopt their ideologies.

We also call them FARTs. Feminism-Appropriating Radical Transphobes. 

Excuse me, Kotaku - Luz’s pronoun is luz. It’s only right luz be referred to as luz, and now luz has to deal with Luz not being referred to as Luz as luz expects, which is disrespecful to Luz.

I love RDR2 and it’s one of my favorite games ever, but I 100% agree that replaying the prologue sucks.

Maaaaaaaan do you need to get your opinions check out, the writting sucks? That’s just wrong on any level and I challenge you to find some that has studied writting to agree with you, the combat is only easy if you play on easy you probably played like an hour without paying any attention to anything and went well

Witcher 2 really turned me away with its tutorial. At first I thought it was great that the game was showing me all the features and what kind of systems it had to offer, but then at the end it’s like “OK great so now you are an expert at all this, right? Here, fight these three guys who will all rush you at once!

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, wrong as they may be. 

PC has no save slot limitation

Just out of curiosity, is there a better experience for Witcher 3 between PC and console? I tried to get into the first Witcher on my PC but the controls drove me batshit. I tried Witcher 2 on my PC and the tutorial was so dense that I realized I needed to run it again and just didn’t feel like it. I’ve got Witcher 3

Sandra can use me anytime she damn well please.

Has Tesla ever revealed a vehicle for production and not released it? Even when people said stuff like Model X will never be released with the falcon doors (for better or for worse) it was.

GUUUUUUH I’m so tired of answering this question. The sources are not hard to find if you look.

I had to scan past 21 fucking ads to get to the end of the article.

I don’t disagree with that though.

They most certainly have that right.