
Wait, is this a thing? I once had a 15-year-old boy in my summer school class who made me feel uneasy for some reason I couldn’t put my finger on, and he turned out to be a 22-year-old Ukrainian national who’d overstayed his visa and was paying some family to “adopt” him. He’s now in prison on a bunch of charges.

We gotta start calling these people what they are: child-killers. They would rather have a dead child than one who has autism or some other (almost certainly fictional) “vaccine injury”.

SP2... fastest looking slow car ever lol

I forget the specifics, but my wife an I were watching Man in the High Castle, a scene of which was identified by a title as a specific year, and then a later year Mercedes SL rolled by, and I exclaimed it immediately, to my immense pride.

cast as a general American big city

Somewhat off topic but one my biggest irrational pet-peeves is watching a show/movie that takes place in a specific era only to see a modern day Corolla drive by in the background... drives me nuts.

If anything, this last year has only proven that self-driving cars won’t be viable on a massive scale for decades.

They're* ugh 

I appreciate the vote of confidence, but please, don’t let anyone else speak for you—even me.

We lose our voice when we refuse to exercise it--and I guarangoddamntee you that yours has merit.

I’d just like to point out that whenever I’m about to post I check for the Arnheim comment because it usually says something similar to what I was about to post, except more eloquently and with less swear words.  It’s way easier to just give it a star.

I’m glad some folks are enjoying this game; everyone has their somewhere they want to be, and that somewhere doesn’t work for other folks—and that’s fine. I enjoy a great many things others think are a waste of time.

This whole kerfuffle, though, comes off as one giant kettle of “we coasted way too hard on a

I don’t know that unfair is the right term here. You’ve got two cars that do the same thing (move people and stuff from point A to point B). One of them has different design constraints due to how that thing (the ability to move stuff and people) is implemented and takes advantage of that to deliver better crash

The death penalty is only inflicted on the poor and disenfranchised. There will always be innocents executed and that mistake can not be fixed. The only time it should be used is when the crime is so heinous that the Nation itself is terribly damaged.

You must be new here. Splinter (and all of GMG’s) official position is that proofreading or copy editing are tools of capitalism, fascism, and conservatism used to keep progressives from spreading the gospel of socialism and shall not be used. You know, on account of the fact that that shit costs money to pay a dude

The X-gene.

We now live in a world where “losing a game of Madden” is now on the list of stats for “causes of a mass shooting”. How fucking fantastic.

Calling this cosplay perfect is an understatement. I’m convinced that cat is actually Beerus.

Photo mode + PlayStation’s superb graphics =

You know what is awesome? Not putting a spoiler on the MAIN PAGE where it is impossible to avoid: