
I have a weird fear of corn

May I please say something. I am sorry sweetie, you have smoked 5 times and did not get high? You are smoking some shit weed man. Where did you get the shit? Ask your man to help you, don’t go trying it on your own, you clearly don’t know how 2.

Jayden can go jump off a bridge. That entitled twerp is taking work from hardworking real actors. I cannot stand the Pinkett-Smith kids. The nepotism is enfuriating.

I DON’T NEED WHITE WOMEN TO TELL ME THAT I SHOULD BE TREATED AS YOUR EQUAL, IDIOT. YOU are the one obsessed with white people. I don’t have to bring them up to discuss the issues within our community. You know that wanting equality at home and at work, safety, and respect are not white things? You clearly don’t

There’s no false narrative. Damon is not saying anything that black women haven’t been saying for the longest time. The fact that you are ignoring his writings and subsequently dismissing the words of black women is only proving his point.

I’m betting you are not a Black woman. So you don’t know (and I’m guessing, don’t really care) what our reality is.

All I know is they’re about to come for Damon’s line up, so I’m just gonna go to the gym because this is about to be a mess and I really want a grilled cheese sandwich for dinner....maybe two.

Why is talking about the reality of what Black women face anti-Black male? We are always told we’re being divisive when we talk about what’s going on. It’s a great way to silence us and nothing has to change. This has nothing to do with white people and what they want.

Omg this article is fucking perfect.

Let me find my seat real quick because the umar stans are coming.

I get that you were making a height joke but Eniko cheated with him while he was with his first wife. Her excuse was that she was not the only side piece. Bossip had a hilarious article on it with screenshots from her Instagram comments.

Um, men who were/wanted to fuck her literally looked at her and said “She is white and “exotic” looking. She should have a career.” That’s not how it works for other artists. She had a bunch of Black men kissing her ass, teaching her, and pushing her simply because they were infatuated with the idea of a white female

“Would a black woman who wanted to rap have been told to do pop instead?”

Well researched and written. The biggest takeaway is that she should have listened to the people around her. Even the song you posted in the article, had she dropped the blaccent and gone with Valley girl ala kesha in the first part of her career that would have been a cute little underground sleeper hit.

Nobody is crying any tears for this poor, beleaguered white girl who was handed a music career based on her whiteness, while a few people tried to steer her away from the cultural appropriation she so needed to commit. Fuck her.

...Man, I think I’m going to keep coming back to this piece all day, thinking about it more. Upon reflection, this bit is really sticking with me:

This was a great piece. Good first read of the day.

Pretty White Women gets multiple chances she doesn’t deserve News at 11

Now playing

To me a “prank” is something silly and genuinely funny, not something that sends people into tears before you pull the “just kidding.”

Is there a segment of the population (which I am a part of) that irrationally hates This is Us, despite having never seen it and knowing nothing about it? Like people who can wiggle their ears or roll their tongues?