
Tose toy reviews are the bane of my existence. My three year old discovered them and that all she cares about now. She’d rather watch kids play with toys than play with her own. They have taught her how to play with her dolls though. She has them talking to each other now.

Talking about how they can focus more on the work because they don’t have a connection to the history of black American stories like black American actors do.

How romantic. I’m jealous. The last dude I met was some weirdo in the Mr. Tire on Tuesday. Kept touching my hand and asking me if I rapped. Told me I was very respectful....

I didn’t even see your reply. Darn kinja. I’m always in the mood to talk makeup so I’ma answer it a month later. I used to work for a makeup company and learned that it really does depend on the skin type. If you’re super dry you don’t need it because you’re not producing a lot of oil. But for combo/oily folks like me

Is your skin dehydrated? Where it feels a little rough or tight but still secretes a lot of oil. I’m combination and I’ve noticed that what balances my skin is using an essence after I tone and before I moisturize. I use Clinique’s turnaround lotion. It’s like really thick water and it only takes like three drops,

I remember one time when I was fifteen, I got bored and pulled out my old box if Barbie dolls and had a grand old time.

That’s next on my reading list. I’m reading Chernow’s biography of Washington now and I just don’tadmire him at all.

I’m reading Chernow’s biography of him now and it’s absolutely fascinating. The cognitive dissonance that white folks had to deal with was incredible. Mary Washington had a black brother in law from her first marriage whom she cared for deeply. She was really upset when he died at a young age. There’s just so much to

Who are these mystical people who feel good enough during their period to have sex?? Between hellish cramps and bowel movements, the last thing I want near me is some sperm launcher.

I simply can’t focus on anything when I’m high. Lol, all of the food would end up on the table while I laughed and cried and tried not to slide out of my seat.

Ok, I’m in love with him now.

I’m so intrigued by people who don’t set their under eye concealer or the foundation around their nose and forehead! I understand not piling it on but not even a whisper? I don’t set my concealer and it creates and then disappears.

Lol. Now that’s pathetic.

My mom is a school nurse in PG county and they haven’t had heat for the last few days. It’s absolutely miserable and these are elementary aged kids. Some as young as four. Parents have been calling the board of education but they haven’t cancelled. It’s not like the poor things aren’t standing outside freezing for a

This absolutely does not need to happen. Roseanne was an absolutely hilarious show for about the first five seasons. Then it went on for another four horrible ones. It was great until Roseanne went from being Frank to just being mean. I just don’t see this being funny at all. I still cherish the first few seasons

Hot Dayum!!!! He needs not ever shave that beard again. Wow! He’s perfectly fine with no beard but after seeing him with one....what kind of wizardry??

That’s true! I never even thought about that. I also see so many women on my Tumblr feed who are soft and confident. I can so easily see the beauty in these women and I am starting to see it in myself.

For now it’s just mat but I can’t wait to try the reformer. I want to immerse myself into pilates but I know I need to take it slowly.

The breathing gets me too. I used to do yoga regularly so I was used to that breathing. Now this new way doesn’t feel natural.

That sounds so awesome. I want to take a reformer lesson. I’m still a lightweight but I love how I am improving with every session.