You both look you both look so pretty! Your eyebrows are everything!
You both look you both look so pretty! Your eyebrows are everything!
Shit, Jezebel beats up on her all of the time for having the nerve to wait til marriage for sex.
And a very early happy birthday to you!!!!!
Happy birthday! I’m happy for you.
Don’t worry. I’m 33 and just coming to terms with it.
I kind of wish that they would just stop talking about her here because they comments are always filled with such thinly veiled hatred. You don’t have to love her but all of the comments about her being thirsty, untalented, and egotistical are silly.
Thank you!
There are so many reasons that I don’t really know where to start. I am a person of Faith so I know that that has a lot to do with it. But for me it really is just an easier way to live my life. I’ve never been one for casual sex so that’s never been an issue but I do know that physical intimacy can cloud my…
Cool. I’m not a virgin but I’ve decided to abstain until I married from now on. It’s been about a year. Whatever works for you.
I really don’t understand the snark, especially towards black women, when it comes to career success in music. I know that isn’t the case with this article. I’m just thinking about it now. It’s like, if you aren’t a Beyonce level success at all times, you are a loser. Singers like Ciara and Ashanti (I know she’s moved…
1. she really has a beautiful voice. It’s small but that’s okay. It’s got a beautiful tone and she knows how to work it while staying within the parameters of her range. What a lovely tone.
Lol! Sounds like a plan.
Usually when I am sick of something I just ignore it. Not mock it. Mocking it kinda keeps it alive in my life.
This sounds absolutely horrifying. Goodness. How she must have felt. I’m really glad that she wasn’t hurt physically.
I know! My eyes almost popped out of my head when I read them. Worried about her freaking lipstick.
I own every season on dvd and yet I still watch it every night on the hallmark channel. I know every, and I mean EVERY line from EVERY episode. I’ve been watching that show since I was a little girl and it was on the air.
Well that explains why dude has so many children with so many women. He’s on rapper status.
Your hair is so beautiful! I recently cut off my locs because of a weakened “kitchen” due to some stupid barber using dirty clippers on my scalp and giving me foliculitis as a teen. Since then my folicles have been weakened and just cant stand the weight of locs back there. I have had two sets of locs and in both…
That doesn’t matter. It was hers and it was bringing in enough money to support her son and herself.