
YOU said that you refused to believe that they weren’t abstaining pre marriage. You are the one that made the small minded assumption. Your statement came off as saying that they were lying about being sexual due to a lack of self control. I see that I misunderstood that so I can take the blame for that (although I

They spoke about this mostly when in conversation with Christian outlets and the word got out. Russell did an interview with a minister in front of a large audience and it came up in conversation. And some people in positions of power see themselves as potential role models. I feel like it is fine to let people know

Isn’t it annoying. People feeling this way because he isn’t a known player. I’ve seen some comments in the past that he just isn’t “manly” enough or that he’s too pretty. So that makes him gay? Some people are idiots.

I only ever heard the rumor that she had slept with some football player and that it led to divorce. They probably just got married too young and too fast right out of college and realized that they weren’t a match. Hopefully.

I do not get this way of thinking at all. I waited a year before I started having sex with one ex. It wasn’t easy but I didn’t want to have sex until I was ready. People can practice self control.

I really don’t understand all of the ragging that these two get. They both seem like really nice people. Russell seems square but what is wrong with that? Most of the complaints are about the fact that they are both religious. They are free with their feelings about their faith when asked about them but they aren’t

Paranormal Rodent?!! I have never heard a better description of Trump.

Oh, I know. Its not that I find him ugly its just that where I’ve always been attracted to little lanky men, he’s huge and muscle bound. That is kind of how I am. I’ve always looked past looks if a guy made me laugh and came off as kind. And it’s easy for me to start growing attracted if I like the personality.

That’s kind of how my mom and I are. I am the baby of the family and she was very protective of me. I don’t know if something happened in her past but she was always afraid of someone hurting me and I think sometimes she tried to scare me as a way to keep me safe. That’s a terrible tactic but she meant well. My sister

Im gonna go. I am finding it hard to find a psychiatrist in my are who accepts my insurance so I’m probably gonna start with my gp but something must be done. Anxiety has taken control of a lot of areas of my life.

I just want to thank you so much or this. It truly is so helpful to have read this. I completely relate to everything you said. I’m fine if they seem to have no interest but if they do I just run away and blame it on them for being lame. Its weird because I generally like myself, or at least want to see where my

Thank you so much for that! You are right. I do need to work on my self esteem. I often wonder why men want to date me and then think that something must be wrong with them for wanting me. My Mom is a sweet lady but she has some weird ideas about sex. She seems disgusted by it even though she had a healthy

I’ve actually been trying to look at him objectively because I just write all men off so that I don’t have to talk to them. I don’t look at him and feel instantly attracted but I didn’t with my ex’s either. People grow on me. There is nothing at all unattractive about him so I feel like he is a blank slate. He came on

Can I add that I know that most of this has to do with the shaming that my mother has always done in regards to men. I’m thirty three and she still acts like I’m her little 13 year old. She is just so judgmental and doesn’t want me to date at all. I just feel like I’m doing something wrong by even talking to men at

Can any of you lend some insight into why I am a total damn basketcase????

You know what I love most about this? The fact that Beyonce and Jay Z won’t comment or fight back against this. They are just going to handle it privately or not at all. I love their self control. It is so refreshing.

Her skin is so gorgeous. This is cool.

You seem like a lovely person. You have a great outlook about this all. I’m trying to get to this point so thank you very much for the example. Your family member is very fortunate to have you. Your kindness about the situation probably made it so much easier for him. And your friend sounds like a real peach.

This is so wonderful! I am so happy that you got to have this experience. You are doing such an important thing in mentoring.

Those dresses are both gorgeous! Give me all of the lace! You are going to make a beautiful bride.