
I forgot all about that! They tore that girl to pieces. I hope she is doing well these days.

No, I can’t name any black women who have put out sex tapes, been denigrated, and then risen to fame. I can’t name any because black women are not even given the same opportunities to rise to fame and when they are they make sure to be careful in what they do so as not to lose it. I can name many instances of black

Yes. She is not a WOC.

She’s white. She is not a WOC. Her Daddy is Armenian and her Mama is a white woman. She’s white. As much as she profits off of black features and culture, she is lily white. She just has a good tan.

Thank you!!!! Black women support black men no matter what and we hardly ever receive the same support in turn. We march, raise awareness, and console; only to be ignored when it is our turn to be highlighted. But that’s our job... 

People call her a whore but she still get’s to participate in business ventures. She still get’s to grace magazine covers. She still get’s to go on talk shows and be seen as cute and relatable. If something happens and she needs to do an interview, she is given the chance to clear her name and is accepted again. She

Oh, gosh. I’m so sorry that it went that way. I feel sad because I feel like that is the direction our friendship is heading. That’s a nasty smell, ain’t it?

No. I think its just a preemptive qualifier because people will take any chance to say that someone is bashing Beyonce.

Opinions like this are the problem. People who just let it slide also allow it to proliferate.

I’ve heard that about washing dogs but I know that they need to do it more than two times a year. It stinks so bad and whenever you touch him the film that it leaves on my hand is so thick.

That’s actually the most mature way to handle it and she is a kind and understanding person so I doubt that it would create a wedge in our friendship. Awkwardness? Yes. But I think that she would make her daughter take more responsibility. I gotta work up some nerve because I used to visit them every wednesday for

There is no explanation for it. The daughter is a fashion and nail polish junkie and I see the great care that she takes in fixing herself up so I can’t understand why she can’t spend a literal hour a week grooming that dog and cleaning up the house. And I would think it would be mildly enjoyable since she loves the

Lol! I didn’t do it. They did. Shoot, they literally made me ill.

Lol, they could come to my house but I don’t want them bringing that fur and funk with them. I am gonna start inviting them more though and seeing if we can just get together at restaurants.

I totally feel you. I wonder how they can let that poor dog live like that. They are good people and love on him like crazy, they just let him stink and I don’t know how they can stand that and the hair. He’s well fed and exercised. I just don’t get it.

That’s so awesome! Thank you so much. I really can’t wait until I am in a position to do that.

There aren’t any mental health issues at all. That is why this is so puzzling. They lived in a nice big house but then she kicked her husand out. He had been cheating for years. It took its toll but she got the help that she needed and is prospering (I know I don’t know her innermost feelings but she is the strongest

Aww, I just looked them up and they are so cute! That goldendoodle is a heart melter.

I should have known that from their screen name. You gotta be pretty pathetic to troll someone over a post about dirty dogs and head colds.

This is gonna sound dumb but is it hard to brush Tiger’s teeth? Does it gross you out? Are they gentle and easy to live with? How did you get yours? I can’t wait!