I went to the gym Monday through Friday this week and worked out like a champ. Lifted for a different muscle group every day and then three days of cardio! And I ate like I had some sense too!!! Beautiful pictures by the way!
I went to the gym Monday through Friday this week and worked out like a champ. Lifted for a different muscle group every day and then three days of cardio! And I ate like I had some sense too!!! Beautiful pictures by the way!
Those are gorgeous! I’m so jealous. I wish that I could get out and hike like that but there aren’t many place like that around my neck of the woods. I’m gonna have to start venturing out.
I have a question for pet owners. How many times a week do you clean your house of pet hair and dander? How often do you wash your dogs if they live in the house?
Lol! I used to do that. My parents used to promise me that if I went to sleep in my bed that they would come and get me. So I’d lay in bed and yell to them what stage of going to sleep I was in. Bastards never came...
But it worked!
You’re right! I kinda wanna put pizza in the snack field. I know it’s a meal but it’s greasy and awesome. Beer would mingle with it well. Yeah, I think it’s just “formal” meals with juice or milk that yuck me out.
Lol and ewwww
Those are good combos. It’s cool to do this with snack foods but dinner...nope. Taking a big bite of beefroast and then a swig of milk?? My mom said that when she was young salted peanuts and coke were the snack of choice.
I got vaccinated for the flu last December. It was my first time ever getting it in 33 years of life but I was pressured into it by my doctor. I didn’t want to because if it ain’t broken... But it wasn’t a big deal. I have never had the flu but about two months later I got it from my boyfriend and I swear to goodness,…
Me too! She had some shirts that had capped shoulders like a baby’s onesie. I loved those shirts. I wore them until they were just shapeless. & I got a cute pair of dark wash denim jeans. Unfortunately I bought them a size too small and could never fit into them. I just donated them last month. That was a cool line.
I just want to know why the hell you are mowing the lawn in flip flops? You must be one of those lucky suckers with a flat yard. I have a back yard like an egg crate and would be flat on my ass with a twisted ankle if I did that.
Me too. It really stinks.
It’s weird how I just always look at her as Carrie with all of those hideous outfits. These clothes really just work so much better. I could actually see myself in these clothes.
I remember there a study a while back that talked about how when women’s husbands die, they don’t remarry because they are free from all of the cooking, child rearing, emotional work etc; while men who lose their wives are usually remarried within a couple of years because they need someone to take care of them.…
Kinda low bar for the word remarkable.
I know she had a lot of pain in her life but I bet that it was so much fun making that show back then. And a lot of hard work. I’m an 80's kid and I just remember so many things from that decade being so much fun.
If she feels that way, no.
Radcliffe said in some interview that he doesn’t believe that it is worth it to get rid of friends who have racist beliefs so that makes him yucky in my book.
I’m really not invested enough to try to portray it as a Witch Hunt. All I know is that one day I woke up and they were together. It seemed quick but it didn’t seem strange. It’s just a little odd to me that people are saying this is fake as if they know it is as a fact. Whatever though. They might only know him from…
He’s pretty Hollywood famous. Come on. He has a very large internet following but he would be considered an a-lister nowadays. Anyway, I just can’t stand it when people are conspiracy theorists about everything. It’s just silly.