
‘It is impossible to be a good cop’.

Please elaborate. As without context this viewpoint just seems logically laughable and not true.

as the policing system currently stands, it is impossible for a cop to be good, regardless of their personal intentions.

And I don’t. The more depictions of responsible police behaviour on national/international TV, the better.

He literally gave a ton of examples of institutionally corrupt places and said you’d make this comment. He didn’t miss this nuance at all.

I think that’s a nice sentiment, but I also think it’s naive.

There is plenty of scummy behavior on police forces, that’s for sure. I still don’t know where folks get off making blanket, absolutist statements like ACAB. But then again, we live in the era of DJT, and painting entire swaths of the population in one stroke, thereby demeaning individuals who haven’t a corrupt bone

Criminals barely stop today as is with armed forces as a looming threat. What exactly do you think “social service” workers are going to do?

Coming in with the hot take that’s going to piss a lot of people off, but fuck it -

This makes you the opposite of cynical.

Maybe I’m cynical, but I have trouble believing that we, as a society, can function without any sort of policing whatsoever. If the ultimate answer is that caring about serving your community effectively and justly means resigning from serving as a police officer, doesn’t that just mean that the only police officers

Of the many joys ‘Commnity’ has given us, one of the greatest was seeing Kevin Corrigan’s version of ‘overacting’ as the drama professor. Casting a veteran underactor as a professional ham was an inspired choice, and fucking hilarious.

Subpar? Fallout 4 is a great game. 

I gotta say, I’ve never understood this complaint. Once in a while there will be two riffs very closely back-to-back which are confusing because they’re not related to one another, but other than that, what’s wrong with fast riffs?  And they slowed down as the first season went on, anyway.

I shouldn’t need to, and so won’t get into just why the Nazis were so bad, but suffice to say the least we should be expecting from developers allowing us to play as them is a little introspection.

Write this article but from the perspective of how when playing as the British Empire and Commonwealth forces you’re nearly always in an entirely White army despite the Empire being predominantly made up of Asian and African peoples or how no campaign ending ever has “and by jove, who cares if Bengal starved and

I’m enjoying it, but I don’t love the mechanic where I have to traverse half a map to try a difficult boss again (I’m not a Souls fan at all). I prefer the platforming, lore, and metroidvania aspects to the brutal boss encounters and spending 10 minutes on charm optimization.

In case you’re the sort of person who cares about such things, there ARE difficulty based achievements, but only for hard mode, and various win conditions (spend no light, never die, speed run the game, etc...).

I take it game by game, depending on what I am hoping to get out of the game. I just finished Gears 5 on easy, probably could have done it on hard, all it would have done was make the game about 2x longer. All I wasnted to play it for was the story, so I didn’t need to drag out the gameplay for no reason. For context

I posted this as part of a reply to another Trans-athlete article a few weeks ago. The point stands and is in fact more salient here than it was when I last posted it:

Well said. I agree that it comes down to the facts and the facts are that males excel at various athletics bc of their biological composition being different in areas. It just - IS. Hence the separation of male/female athletics. I do understand their frustration as they are competing with a naturally born male who was