
I’m not sure I understand either, but it sounds like she would buy a visa pre-paid card and then charge a tip for more than the amount on the card and then the restaurant ends up paying her for those tips, but they don’t get the money from the card when it’s later processed. So I think she was ripping off the

They didn’t though. And they increased the durability of some weapons as well. What are you talking about?

They “nerfed” one perk to make it consistent with other similar perks. And you still will never need the repair kits. You could never use those perks and still never need to use a repair kit.

The dubs for Castle of Cagliostro are really strange. I had a VHS copy of Castle of Cagliostro when I was a kid that was dubbed by a company called Streamline Pictures. Apparently it wasn’t well liked as they changed some of the dialogue, but I grew up with it so it’s the best version for me. Unfortunately, it’s not

I can’t really tell if your response actually follows anything I said. You seem to be quoting me saying “you are about to read a good/bad review” but I never said that. I don’t understand what you are replying to.

But if everyone does the “non-bland” title as you suggest, then how do you know that a bland title would actually drive away readership? If it hasn’t been done then you don’t know at all how people react. Personally, I really dislike it when people only read headlines and making it easier for them to do that is kind

To be fair, how many people do you know only read the headlines of articles and then give stupid and uninformed takes on stuff, or disseminates the takes they infer from the headline as fact. I would love a world of headlines that were a little more vague or neutral.

Also, using them is just complicated enough that you’d be killed by the time it repaired your weapon. You have to open your pip-boy(1-5 seconds), then navigate to your weapons tab(another 1-5 seconds depending on what screen you were last on), then scroll down to your weapon(another 1-5 sec), then inspect that

There’s not really a problem. I think they just picked something simple some people had requested to put into the store to test some non-cosmetic stuff. A repair kit is not really something you’d ever need except in the most narrow of circumstances. A repair kit is more of a “Wouldn’t it be neat if we had ____” and

As someone who plays this consistently. These repair kits will make no difference to the “balance of power”. Yeah, you’ll save a little bit of time, maybe some caps, and some scrap. But scrap is so plentiful and crafting stations are pretty much everywhere, this is a fairly worthless item that mostly just save you

I’ve written 11 reviews in the last 4 years, and also have the Local Guide thing as well. It’s not really a big deal.

Honestly, I think this is kinda bullshit. What does being required to make hard choices in building a character do for you? Maybe you feel more attached to your character, but does choosing between two skills/perks really have any meaning beyond some stat and maybe some functionality changes? Unless those skills grant

I assume 1980s American nostalgia doesn’t make a lot of money in China.

Me too. I got the Steam Link when it was discontinued, but it took forever to get a controller to work with it, occasionally the audio would just stop working, and sometimes I had entire 5 second freezes.

I don’t think it matters that it might be too late. I don’t think he’s running to win. He’s running to raise his profile.

Shot-for-Shot? Are you kidding me? Yes, there’s a very similar plot and structure to the story compared to A New Hope, but it’s absolutely absurd to call it a shot-for-shot remake or even a remake at all. A soft reboot maybe, but calling it a remake is actually ridiculous bullshit.

Again, I’m not saying they shouldn’t remark on how it’s different than what was announced, just that there have been other announcements since then that are still important to relay that are being emitted for no reason other than to make the juxtaposition between the announcement and end result more pronounced.

So when someone replies to you arguing against what you’ve said, you are supposed to not have a discussion about it? I’m supposed to not reply now? Does a handful of replies to a conversation you aren’t apart of really bother you this much? Are you really this threatened by adverse opinions about something? Go fuck

What are you talking about? I’m not saying it was a bait and switch nor that this article is attempting to say that. I’m saying that the expectation is being juxtaposed for further emphasis in order to make it seem more relevant. And the expectation is based on non-relevant information without acknowledging that that

Again, it’s relevant to say that the single-player game should have the destruction, that’s fine. But juxtaposing it in a way that acts like we weren’t informed or that it’s sudden that it wasn’t included in the single-player game is a bit misleading. The text implies an expectation of something that shouldn’t be