
So what you're saying are just like women when they shop for food.

Because market researchers are trying to justify their job and paycheck.

The classic example of mansplaining from it's coiner is a man explaining a book to a woman that the woman authored.

You forgot, "You just don't understand satire," in that explanation!

Serious question.

I'm glad that you were playing it safe.

Yes they are. If she says no, she's a meanie. If she says yes, she's a jerk for going along with it only to bail later.

Okay but it's SE Cupp and I...I...okay I can't expend any more brain power on that one. She speaks for herself and no one else. That's for sure.

I can totally see that.

BLARGH! You beat me to it!

I agree with you, but I wonder if those complainers are people who also got started with unpaid internships? I'm a little bitter about it too, since I was royally taken advantage of, but not so bitter that I'd want to see unpaid internships continue.

But why be so defensive and angry about it? Whenever someone reacts so emotionally, I'm forced to think there's more going on here than what they're saying. Or else why would they have such rage for a mundane issue? His anger is so disproportionate because he's scared of...something.

You know what makes me unhappy? The "real" meeting after the phony meeting. See the phony meeting is held during regular business hours. We all pretend everything is decided and set in stone. Then the real meeting begins after hours (usually when teh ladiez are tending to childcare duties and whatnot) and the real

Because the people in control (white men for centuries) feel like something is being taken away from them rather than opening doors for everyone else. It's sexist in and of itself.

It's mutual respect and sacrifice with a nuanced difference.

I remember back in the George W. Bush days when everyone was hating on France. A bunch of "rebels" got together somewhere, bought out a store of all its French wine, and dumped it in the street to "boycott" France.

At least a singleton is only responsible for her own messes.

Is it a coincidence that "godly womanhood" consists of just doing whatever your husband tells you to do and eliminates all independent, critical thinking skills?

If it helps, I left a dude like this. There are women who do leave, but you don't hear about them because stories like this would never occur.

The Jeze and the Gawker article left that CRUCIAL detail out!!!!!!!