Anyone ever take the DARE classes? I had it the very first year. A cop would come to your class and tell you how drugs are bad and drinking a sip of beer will turn you into an alcoholic.
Anyone ever take the DARE classes? I had it the very first year. A cop would come to your class and tell you how drugs are bad and drinking a sip of beer will turn you into an alcoholic.
Agree with you 100% on everything, especially about the research. I will grant the pink ribbon movement some credit when it comes to improve quality of life.
What you just said makes me think it would make a HILARIOUS sitcom, starring Gwyneth Paltrow as the lead.
All the same person.
I mean that kind of marketing is still going to bring tons of money for research.
You're right. It's not JUST the YouTube video. It's everything else that goes with this "awareness" campaign. All the other stuff I mentioned above.
Because it's not just about the women in the video; it's about a much broader, far more complex issue than saving breasts. It's about the message the video sends to the rest of the world about the disease and who it affects and what's most important.
Trivializing something that is literally killing people (yep men too!) is humiliating. Groping women (only the pretty ones though, right?) under the guise of charity is humiliating and demeaning. Engaging in predatory behavior that is otherwise inappropriate in any other context is humiliating. Talking about merely…
Or "doesn't understand satire."
There was a commenter who responded to me yesterday. I can't remember her name. She had breast cancer. I think she had a really great take on the issue.
In case people aren't clear, here is an example of a prank. It doesn't involve physical assault, theft, or any other illegal activity.
Again, these guys do not understand what a prank is. They keep calling it a prank, but I fail to see what the prank is.
I don't think infantilizing a serious disease is "better treatment" but that's just me.
And just because you're skinny, doesn't mean you're healthy either. I have a friend who is very tall and skinny. She is also a heavy drinker, smoker, and habitual drug user. Does she get grief about her "health" ever? No because she's in a healthy BMI. (Yes, there's concern-trolling for extremely skinny people…
Easy. You print out the loads of articles that document how little of that money goes to finding a cure. They're everywhere. Read Pink Ribbon Blues. See how the pink ribbon "awareness" has turned into a major money maker for the cancer industry. Sadly, it's far more profitable to fight cancer than it is to find a…
Can we talk about this "fighter" nonsense for a second?
Oh I'm with you. And I say that as someone who has to CONSTANTLY remind my mother that Bill Clinton played his role in the Monica thing too.
Is she ever going to apologize to Dave Matthews for basically attacking him and fawning all over him backstage? That's something I'd love to see.
One of the things I really regret was not learning to stand up for myself. My mother's terrible advice was to just ignore the bullies — something I'd learn later was highly counterproductive. She thought if I just sat there and took it with no reactions, the bullies would just leave me alone. No. They targeted me…