
I just groaned so audibly that I think I just aged five years.

Talkative protagonists are great and all, but as long as I can't see my protagonist, I don't really care about what they have to say. They're not a character. They're not a person. They're just a camera with a gun attached to it.

That does seem to be what the school is, too. A big, round, open courtyard with columns and a "school building" surrounding it. So that makes sense.

It sounds like perineum, yeah.

All joking aside, FFXV will probably be out this time next year. The original demo of FFXIII was released just a little more than a year before the final game came out, and Square can't wait TOO long to release XV after putting out Episode Duscae tomorrow, otherwise all of their marketing would be a waste.

An example: if memory serves, you can only unlock Bahamut as a playable summon on a NG+ run.

I mean, I'm gonna be snarky for a sec, but if I saw a console that was the only place to play FFXV, Yakuza and Persona 5, I'd buy it in a second if I didn't already own it.

The game has three endings. Two can be unlocked on the first run, but the "true ending" can only be unlocked after you've beaten the game once and gone through with New Game Plus, a significant amount of side content - cutscenes, side missions, summons, etc - is locked to second playthroughs. Once you've finished

If you keep saying "I won't buy a PS4 just for one game" every time a game comes out that you want to play, then you're never going to own a PS4 or those games.

It should be noted that you have to finish the game on New Game Plus to get the true ending.

At least "Peristylium" sounds like an actual word, unlike freaking "L'Cie".

It's a teaser that has nothing to do with the game's story.

Kind of both, it seems. The samurai look is entirely new, but that's Ace from Type-0 in the armor.

While I do agree that the almost OCD nature of identity politics has made discussing games kind of a minefield in recent years, I'm not sure I agree with Bogost's point all the way.

Oh, I agree, he does a great job. The trial monologue was fantastic.

Hey now, that's just not fair. He's trying, he's just competing with a bunch of actual Europeans, and he's always going to fall behind in that race.

I don't think that's the case at all. Tyrion always thought of himself as a Lannister until the minute he killed Tywin and broke his ties to his family. He may be a bastard who doesn't give a damn, but he was still raised a Lannister, you know?

I just find it odd that his accent of choice has nothing in common with the more "aristocratic" accent that his father and siblings all use. He's still a Lannister, so he should talk like one. Instead, he's using this really odd hybrid dialect that doesn't really mix with the rest of his family - or anyone else on

Superman is now a roiding dudebro, Wonder Woman is a video game character...and Batman is a bunny robot.

That stupid funeral scene. Anything related to the goddamn kids was laughable. The rest of the game was great though.