
The makers of Thames Town proudly present Sea Britain.

Wow, your selections were spot-on with my celebrity crushes/man-crushes. Tee-hee-tee-hee!

Looks like a giant clusterfuck. I do want to try Rockmelt though.

I hate having to do this every time they change something on Facebook. They also keep complicating the privacy controls.

For them, it doesn't even come close to the comedic stylings of Family Guy and Two and a Half Men.

A nice, cute animal gets completely wiped off the face of the Earth. I fucking hate humanity.

Ugh, I wish they would bring it back on Gawker. That place is a fucking nightmare now.

I'll take a few hundred years of science over thousands of years of tribal superstition any day.

Yeah, I've read some advanced reviews and it's not looking good. Glad that I didn't.

Dammit, I'm so tempted to buy the new Aliens game. Especially since it probably won't be at a price that low for a while. I haven't played a good one since SNES and I still have faith that Gearbox will do a good job with it.

Holy shit, cynical doctors and RN's! Never seen that before! As long as no personal details were revealed, these people did nothing wrong other than being somewhat unprofessional with their choice of public forum.

Are large portions of the city abandoned like in this photo? It looks like The Road but on a sunny day.

Kinky fuckery? Jesus, that book has terrible prose. Charles Dance was hilarious though.

I joined the NRA a few years ago when I bought my first gun, that was before I knew what the NRA really was about. I didn't renew it after I kept getting non-stop Obama conspiracy theory mail.

The NRA has been pushing the fear-mongering idea that "Obama is going to take everyone's guns" since his first term. Nothing new there. I think this ad along with other recent moves by the NRA are doing more harm to their cause than good.

Me too. Someone should make a modification that replaces all of the targets in the game with Wayne LaPierre's fat, weaselly face.

Why does the bill need to require doctors to detail potential side effects, risks, medications, etc? Physicians already do that before they perform any kind of medical procedure anyways.

Good job, America, for not letting this smarmy fuck get into the White House. Also, doesn't Congress have more important things to do? LIKE TRYING TO FIX THE FUCKING BUDGET?

Thanks for the info! I'm reading A Dance with Dragons now (it's a long one) but I will pick up Eye of the World when I'm ready for my next fantasy book.

I'll take a look at that. Thanks for the recommendation!