
Wealth = no debt.

How many times are you going to push the same stories and products..? I know.. all you 20 somethings LOVE your Casper twin mattress in your studio lofts... for the 50 somethings out in the real world... a King bed costing $4000 is not something we would buy!

How many times are you going to push the same stories and products..? I know.. all you 20 somethings LOVE your

Dear Lifehacker,

Holy shit, relax! Just because they are only listed in men’s sizes doesn’t mean women can’t wear them.

Sean Connery in The Avengers,

Perhaps it’s been bumped because they’ve managed to make a deal regarding mutants instead?

Zero. You know someone who will pay me for stuff like this? Hard to believe it, but I actually wrote this to try and help people.

Lol. You should've seen how hard it was to pick the color on my ACR... THAT was hard. And still, so little empathy...

Your life sounds hard

Believe it or not, Queensryche actually did a pretty decent cover of this. I know, right?

I just got into the habit right before Xmas this past year, but I find that it looks better once it’s grown back a bit; in truth, I need a better set of clippers so there can be a bit more styling involved, and also so they don’t die mid-buzz as they’ve threatened to do on multiple occasions.

Once a month with a pair of clippers for the past 12 years. Probably saved about $3,000 lifetime. Of course, I’ve wasted 10x as much on other shit.

I’m fully aware of everything in this article. I however, still choose to shower every day because despite commonly held belief, I am not in fact a goddamn savage.

You’re my new best friend.

It’s legally mandated that this music play to accompany the desktop:

I read the first collected edition. Have never touched another issue since. The “See what you did?!” panel (I can’t remember the exact wording) with the woman being raped as her kid is torn in half was very much a “right, too far, fuck this” moment for me, and I consider myself fairly unshockable in those sort of

He’s kinda busy with his movie career. Wrapping up Star Trek Beyond. Then Ready Player One. And I’m sure he’s got more lined up. He’s a busy, busy man...rightfully so, he’s definitely earned it!

I pray that Seth Rogen never tries to adapt Crossed, because Crossed is basically The Walking Dead meets A Serbian Film. It’s probably Garth Ennis’ most disturbing comic to the point where it’s practically unreadable.

So I’m guessing no Simon Pegg playing Hughie...

Here, read here for intelligent defense magazine/news artivles, no paywall like janes: but tyler’s probably looking for a new job, it was bad enough he had to stoop to the gawker editorial themes and reading his pre gawker and recent writing, he clearly did... his last attack on the F-35 and