
Just wanted to say thanks for a great editor. Its hard to find good programs focused on efficiency and staying lightweight.

I’d never heard of an ‘egg cup’ until today, i’m still not exactly sure as to their purpose. They’re for eating boiled eggs? theres got to be more to it than that right? Maybe they were, in fact, designed to hold corn cobs as well?

Maybe they can’t do anything right because they need a bigger budget and more police authority? Do you honestly think an entity designed solely for profit with an emphasis on limiting the legal liability of its individual workers (a corporation) can be trusted to consistently do the right thing without significant

Logitech has a weird... bluetooth-like system they use for their wireless devices. Basically, the range/signal quality drops out for no discernible reason at times. I initially thought it was interference but, even in relatively ideal interference free conditions the problem persists. The problem can be somewhat

Logitech has a weird... bluetooth-like system they use for their wireless devices. Basically, the range/signal

For a second I got really excited for a sequel to Super Mario RPG on the snes, then realized it was almost definitely a paper mario sequel (A good game but, doesn’t compare to the original).

I’d say its probably the low specs, no included keyboard and, a student doesn’t really have any ‘need’ for a touchscreen in their life as a student. For the purpose of schoolwork, you could get a more powerful laptop with a more appropriate form factor for less than half the price, might not get the battery life of a

Oddly for once, this is almost relevant.

I usually just grab my cellphone and a few bottles of water, maybe some jerky if its going to be more than 4 or 5 hours.

Im waiting for this too, seems like a natural combination. I can imagine it being somewhat difficult to implement though. Like, what do you do when you’re listening to the radio and watching tv at the same time? Should it mute the tv if you’re just asking alexa what the weather is (and similar queries).

Im waiting for this too, seems like a natural combination. I can imagine it being somewhat difficult to implement

I just can’t see how that could work out to low monthly payments, their prices seem pretty bad and, according to “Squealing Belt” above, their rates aren’t great either. How are they getting reasonable monthly payments, do they have like 20 year terms or something?

In my area at least, Carmax consistently costs about 20-25% more than any local dealer’s sticker price. I’ve never gotten to the financing part of the equation because i’ve never managed to get them to move enough on price.

He is doing a lot better than most of us but, the guy still gives pretty good advice, its a useful website.

Nice way to get an interest free loan.

ECU, i think, means ‘Electronic Control Unit’. My best guess is that somehow he got a software-based tune-up on said ECU. I’ve never heard of people doing this but, i can see how it could change how the car performs (don’t know enough about cars to say anything specifically you could do but, the ECU does handle a lot

As far as marketing goes, ‘Milk’ is anything that works well with cereal. I’m not complaining, i rather like cashew and almond milk.

I’ve been trying to sprout some avocados on my windowsill for the last month. I’ve got 6 pits set up in glasses of water with the toothpick method, at least one of them is knocked over every day.

Lol, it took me several times to realize there was a pun there.

When i was younger, this was probably the only reason i went to the gym.

Laws do require the option of a break and, if any employer tried to stop you from taking it, things get serious. However, some places don’t care if you skip it and leave early as long as you get your 8 hours in, my last 2 jobs have had no problem with it (I work in IT).

Yeah, i’m indoors most days too, most days im in a lab that is near perfectly humidity/climate controlled. Maybe, i’ve just become naturally sweaty in my old age!

Yeah, i’m indoors most days too, most days im in a lab that is near perfectly humidity/climate controlled. Maybe,