If they fired you for lying about most of those questions, it seems like it might be adequate grounds for a lawsuit.
If they fired you for lying about most of those questions, it seems like it might be adequate grounds for a lawsuit.
There’s a lot of reasons why (that i don’t completely understand, so, can’t really explain them) but... basically your hub was not designed as well as could be hoped. Heres a list of good USB Hubs with special care taken to measure charging speeds: http://thewirecutter.com/reviews/best-u…
There’s a lot of reasons why (that i don’t completely understand, so, can’t really explain them) but... basically…
I initially thought it was low before remembering that the currency symbol indicated on the site was british pounds and not euros. Now, i find out that i’m underpaid by about 5k :/, disappointing.
I feel ya, i had the same problem with some of my doors. You’re not quite at the point where you need to replace the door/frame completely but, you do have a lot more work ahead of you.
“Just this once”
The quote above was paraphrased from the actual account of Ibn Fadlan, that specific quote does come from eaters of the dead. However, the key points were part of the original text. Google has granted me this for more info: http://www.vikinganswerlady.com/ibn_fdln.shtml .
uTorrent is probably going to win solely based on brand recognition but, i’d really recommend any other torrent client. uTorrent is adware as well a lot of the time these days. I personally use transmission.
As far as tailors go, its not a thing for your everyday wear but, for a suit or something expensive its worth considering. Prices at my local tailor more or less start at $20 for very simple things and go up from there (sometimes rapidly).
Photo source reveals type of nixie tube: https://www.flickr.com/photos/1627143…
What percentage constitutes an A/B/etc. is so incredibly varied. At one school i went to, if you got below 70% you were failing but, then i went to a school where anything above 50% was a passing grade, looking back, its kind of depressing how low the standards were at that school...
You can do amazing things with meatloaf. When you aren’t required to keep a burger to the consistency required to make it stay together on a bun, so many ingredients are suddenly open to you.
Its not as wasteful as you think, depending on how often you use it. Heated driveway systems that i’ve seen work by installing a series of tubes (filled with an indeterminate liquid with a very low freezing point) underneath the spots you’d like to keep snow free along with a nearby boiler/heater. Its effectively a…
Unfortunately, almost all A/C units work basically by just moving hot air around. I know this is very unlikely but, if you have a dryer vent somehow, they’re about the same size as a portable a/c tube, would probably work.
Unfortunately, almost all A/C units work basically by just moving hot air around. I know this is very unlikely but,…
They’ve gotten a lot better than they used to be as far as using real meat, the meat you get in a taco bell taco is 88% beef, the rest is basically just sugar, starch, and yeast, nothing excessively gross or horrible for you, not good for you but, not as bad as it could be.
It works if you sideload something to play them (XBMC/Kodi) but, just a heads up, no ethernet port, so you’ll have to use wifi. Your wifi router may/may not be fast enough for you to play some higher quality files (If your router is an AC router, you will be fine most of the time).
It works if you sideload something to play them (XBMC/Kodi) but, just a heads up, no ethernet port, so you’ll have…
The page is working but, at the moment the app is not for me at least, keeps telling me about ‘connection issues’ and saying to refresh the app.
I’m right there with you, that explanation was amazing.
I ‘change’ my own oil in the sense that i have a slow leak in my rear main seal and i add more every few weeks. That counts right?
I think any of us who’ve been to either kinda expected Trader Joe’s and Costco to be near the top. Never heard of this ‘Wegmans’ or ‘Publix’, will have to try them out. (Update: neither of them exist in my state or even in a bordering state :/)
This seems to be near identical to the Harmony 200 (now discontinued but, still available).
This seems to be near identical to the Harmony 200 (now discontinued but, still available).