
Well that trailer gave me chills. Really excited that it's finally official and can't wait to see more! The chairs with chains is interesting, and I'm really looking forward to seeing the theme with this game.

It just comes off as pathetic when corporations blatantly attack their competition. It's like attacking political ads—it makes me want to NOT vote for you. Even if good points are made, it's the principle of it.

YouTube must not be doing these comparisons justice, because in every single one I've seen the footage looks so similar that I can only notice minor differences in the side-by-side (and those are things I'd never notice without having the other version right there next to it).

Someday maybe we'll actually get a decent in-game Pokedex that we can access in-battle so that I don't need to play with a computer/phone next to me constantly referencing external websites. Even the Pokedex 3DS app would be fine except that you have to quit the game to access it.

This is pretty much what I expected. And so I will continue to have absolutely zero interest in the Vita until Sony gets their shit together and A) gets more than a handful of games that interest me out for the system and B) get Remote Play working where I can play on the go or anywhere other than in front of my TV

Yeah this is what I'm most interested in hearing about. I have no doubt Sony will be making a big push for major console games, whether they're first party exclusives, third party exclusives, or exclusive DLC/content. But they have continuously fumbled with the Vita, both in the West and even in Japan. Since it came

Does this app do anything with the PS3, or should I just wait until I have a Vita/PS4?

And so my backlog of 3DS games will continue to grow. At first I was disappointed it wouldn't be coming out earlier, but this way I'll be able to finish Etrian Odyssey and burn myself out on Pokemon before the triple threat of LR FFXIII, ToS Chronicles, and now Bravely Default.

I'm pretty excited about the MiiVerse coming to 3DS, especially now that SwapNote is essentially dead. Might actually be able to interact with my 3DS friends who I don't regularly talk to in real life!

My 1st gen slim PS3 does the same thing. Such a non-issue it's not even funny.

Awesome, this is exactly what I was expecting. A solid console with a lot of room to grow. I will definitely be picking one up once there are more games I'm interested in out for it and once I hear more details about their streaming service.

Kills me that this is only on iTunes, really hoping it'll come to Amazon or better yet a physical release. I might even just import Japan's hard copy.

You don't have a 3DS already!? Fire Emblem, Pokemon, Etrian Odyssey, Luigi's Mansion, Super Mario 3D Land, Mario Kart 7, Rune Factory 4, Monster Hunter, I know I'm forgetting a whole bunch. Seriously, the DS was a great system with a lot of great games. The 3DS has already blown it out of the water...

Is A Link to the Past on virtual console for 3DS yet? Or am I going to have to try and find my GBA version and pop it into my DS Lite to play it? Then again, I'm not even sure I can pull myself away from Pokemon to play it before the 22nd. And I still have Etrian Odyssey to beat. And Luigi's Mansion. And finish my

I'm all for EVs. I'm strongly against IVs, or at least the inability to change them after a Pokemon is "created." What if I have a Honedge with that build, but then I want to change strategies and make him into something that needs more speed? Too bad, I have to rebreed. If it were just EVs (or if natures and IVs were

You know what's more unethical? Chain breeding Pokemon (incest) and hatching hundreds of babies, all of which you release except for "the one" with the right combination of nature, ability, stats, etc.

I haven't seen the show (am certainly intrigued though), but I think what they mention in the article is exactly how it could be a bad thing—GALAX could become its own worst enemy. People could become so dependent on it, unable to figure out what they can do to help on their own, that if it were to fail or lag at all,

All this leaking/hacking stuff is tricky. On one hand, I really enjoy surprises. It's been awesome this generation that there's a lot of stuff in the game we don't know about yet because we can't just hack into the game and figure it all out. But at the same time, it means we don't know about mechanics, and that makes

Won't support them at all? Or just for extra space. Because I want to know how I can back up all my data.

No, the current stat system is what's destroying the competitive element of the game. The competition is team-building and battle strategy skills. Not who can cheat or spend the most time breeding. Implementing the changes I mentioned would allow anyone to participate in competitive battles on even-ground without the