
The current store is indeed a mess, and this overhaul is much-needed. But I don't see the point in copying the styles/formats of XBL's store. Shouldn't the point be to differentiate themselves?

I'm surprised nobody has mentioned this. In-game battles allow you to choose whether you, the player, can have the option to switch after every time you KO an opponent's Pokemon. This is a nice feature to have for in-game training so that your weaker guys don't get massacred when you try to level them up.

Hopefully it will be a separate entry from MGS5 this time instead of a tacked-on game that causes both single and multiplayer experiences to suffer (in the case of MGS4 and MGO).

The overall gameplay formula for Pokemon is, indeed, perfect. Changing it might appeal to non-Pokemon fans (which, at this point, are basically people who actively dislike it and not those who don't know about it), but it would also likely ruin the winning formula they've already got that has attracted so many

There are actually quite a few people who import Japanese games (whether they can read/speak the language or not), but for me personally this is extremely disappointing because it will be the ONLY barrier for importing European titles.

I'm pretty excited about the potential for WiiU. But as of right now, there hasn't been anything announced that has me interested in the console whatsoever. Give me some more info on Monolith's upcoming game and some other RPG announcements and I'll move the WiiU from my "completely ignore" list to the "maybe I'll

Well they obviously aren't that devastated by it considering how often wild Gravelers would kill my Pokemon with Selfdestruct in every late-game cave.

I say go for it. If you're this passionate about a game you know nothing about, that's awesome. It probably won't do anything, but I still applaud the effort.

I would argue that XIII and XIII-2 were "crazy" and "innovative." That's why they (particularly XIII) are so hated by fans. They're major departures from the FF and JRPG norm, to the point where they're basically FF games in name only.

I don't think the issue is simple enough that we can make a blanket statement like "all JRPGs should get rid of English voice acting" (I know, this is a news blog and you wanted a headline that grabbed attention, but bear with me).

Great review, revolting picture, and that advertisement makes me further embarrassed to be a member of this society. Gave me a great laugh overall!

He might not be old, but he just looks weird to me. It's something about the eyes or the facial structure, he's just ugly. Makes me appreciate artistic graphics over hyper-realistic graphics. The characters in FFXII didn't look like real people, but they looked pleasing and attractive in an artistic sense.

Now playing

I have been in love with BLR ever since I saw their very first video, a reading of Rebecca Black's "Friday" called "Gang Fight" (which is a surprisingly catchy song).

Maybe what he means is that the game was ruined by easy mode because the easy mode was poorly designed (in the example he gave, the game compromised a major aspect of its gameplay just to make it "easier;" a better easy mode might have given the player more cover in each environment or something like that).

I actually LIKED that XIII-2 used many of the same basic monster designs. There was enough new stuff to keep it fresh while actually making it feel like the same world.

Still have my fingers crossed for some sort of retail copy in the US. I want my collector's edition, damn it!

It's about time the industry started moving in this direction. I'm sick of buying PSP games twice just so I can have the retail and digital copy in my library. This is a very consumer-friendly direction to go and will definitely boost the interest in Vita.

I have literally grown up with LEGO. We had duplos when I was little, then I've been building and playing with legos since I could remember. I'm 23 now and still buy and build legos (love the Atlantis line)! Happy birthday LEGO, may you continue to produce the best toys ever invented!

About time! My PS3 has been way too jealous of all the Persona action my PSP and PS2 have been getting!

The issue I have is that you're saying it's not a good game because it's not a good RPG. Uncharted is not a good RPG either, but I think most would argue that it's not a good game. As you yourself mention in the article, the Final Fantasy franchise is filled with games of many different genres.