
But reading that tiny little logo (which is much smaller than the fine print this warning will be in, I'm sure), turning the box over to look at the details, understanding what the logo means, and being educated on video games in general is HARD! As a parent, I shouldn't have to do all that stuff just so my kid can

Even if this was a rational proposition, why put the label on every single video game ever, violent or not? That's like sticking a warning about the dangers of alcohol on every beverage sold.

Kickstarter for Suikoden VI and I will pledge as much money as I can possibly afford (hopefully in the 3 digits). Seriously, I WANT THIS SO BAD!

Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Not that the game was bad/unplayable, but nothing like the depth of console games. iOS might be getting close to matching the graphical capabilities of consoles, but I'll need to see some actual quality games before it catches my interest even remotely.

I have heard some bad things about The Last Story too, particularly about its story. But even if some of these games aren't amazing, that doesn't mean I don't want at least the opportunity to play them and make that judgment for myself.

Haven't played it, but wasn't Infinity Blade a terrible game that just had really nice graphics? I guess it's cool that iPad3 can have pretty games, but will they be worth playing?

My PS2 is dying. I need to see some RPG collections. Suikoden III-IV-V anyone? That might help build interest for a true Suikoden VI too...

Funny, cuz all it does is make them seem more greedy.

This makes me want to play Persona 3 again. Too bad my PS2 is about to crap out. I want to get P3P, but I can't decide between buying a UMD (which I prefer) or getting the digital version so I can potentially play it on the Vita. Gee, game industry, wouldn't it be great if I could get the digital copy for free when

Kickstarter for Suikoden VI (a true entry in the series, not another spinoff on the PSP that probably won't even get localized). I want to see this NOW.

I agree, it should be based on sales. And it should be pretty easy to estimate how much a game is likely to sell and create a reasonable goal.

What a complete and utter joke. Just another reason that numerical review scores should be ousted from the industry. If anything, a bonus for developers should be based on if they hit a particular number of sales for the game, and this number should be determined based on the market (a niche RPG from Atlus will

Almost makes me want to uninstall Adblock Plus...almost

Is this XBLA only, or PSN too? Because I only have a PS3 and I would LOVE to play an HD version of Skies of Arcadia!

Compared to what Atlus usually publishes, this is very fast paced.

For me, the ideal Game of Thrones game would either be like the PC game they made (which unfortunately sucked) or a game with no combat at all. I think if a good, experienced studio got the IP, they could manage to develop a fun and interesting game that managed to have gameplay not consisting of combat.

Seeing it in action, this game looks a lot better than I was afraid it was going to be. The story obviously seemed intriguing, but I was afraid the gameplay would blow. But this actually looks good! The interface/visuals also look a lot better than I was expecting, especially in action. As long as the game world

This made me think—you know what might be an interesting genre of games? Where developers just make really cool 3D models of places and you can freely control a camera going through it all. Sort of like Minecraft but more detailed/realistic. Dunno if it would work logistically (or if something like this already

Really excited to see what comes from this. This is why I love the game industry (and why I would love to be a part of it someday).

I like the player avatar one. It would be interesting if the "training" in a game actually required you to train your avatar to respond to your button commands (not sure how it would work logistically, but it's an interesting concept) and finding the right way to handle the actual button movements/presses to work