
I think it's unfortunate NoA is being so lazy about these games (using NoE's Xenoblade localization, depending on XSEED to publish Last Story), but at the same time I think it's absolutely terrific that they are going ahead and releasing these games domestically. I don't know if Operation Rainfall is entirely to

They wouldn't feel like cash-ins if the games were playable in some other form (either via PS3-PS2 BC or digital downloads for more PS2 games). Instead, unless you buy a PS2 or have your old one still (and you're lucky enough for it to still be working), buying these HD makeovers is the ONLY way to play these games

Because EA wants more money. Didn't you hear? Developers go into games intending to create DLC from the get-go instead of just making the effort to include that content in the game itself.

This is what makes them WESTERN fantasy games. Japanese fantasy games manage to create environments that are actually creative and unique. One of the biggest turn-offs in WRPGs for me is that their environments/locales never seem to move into the realm of actual fantasy. They just can't break free from reality.

Exactly my thoughts. If I ever pirate something, it's either because that is my only option or because I want it some other fashion than is legally available (digitally, immediately, etc.), in which case I will pay for it legally after the fact.

Instant gratification? No, this has to do with HBO being absolutely ridiculous about making its shows available. They have been available for streaming online for ages. But instead of letting people pay to watch them, they force you to sign up for an HBO subscription (which you can't even do unless you have cable).

Exactly my mindset with Game of Thrones. I want to watch the show, but I don't have cable. I'm not getting cable and subscribing to HBO (if I even have that option with my provider) just two watch one show. I would gladly pay to watch the show, but apparently that's not an option. So I guiltlessly pirated it until

I'll say it again. WHY THE HELL DO I NEED TO PAY FOR A DIGITAL COPY WHEN I ALREADY PAID FOR THE DISC!?!?!? Seriously, there is absolutely no rationale for this. I can understand charging retroactively, because there's nothing stopping me from using the UMD on multiple PSN accounts, but from this point onward we

I never said it was turn-based. It is, however, command-based.

I think the reason I love JRPGs is a combination of the turn-based combat and just the game design overall. They are story/character focused, and the gameplay consists of moving freely around a world and participating in involved, strategic combat. I've come to that determination based on what sorts of games I

Yeah, they flat out stated that they went into the game's development with planned DLC. They didn't cut it out, they just said "we're not even gonna make the attempt to put it in the game because we want to get extra cash by offering it as DLC." And the worst part is, it's going to work. People are going to buy it

$5 isn't bad for the Sazh episode, but if they think I'm paying $3 for a single costume that serves no actual purpose then they're nuts.

That's too bad. But at the same time, hopefully if the game is successful it will keep the series alive and we might see a return to the series norm. I'm sort of torn, honestly. I'm okay with a series evolving, but this really seems to be going too far. I guess I'd have to actually experience the entire game to

Pretty legitimate reasoning for the social game, very reasonable. That said, it would be awesome if they would just let the game come out a year later so that it could actually be good. Some movies would make really awesome full-fledged console video games...

And 5, considering it's one of the best in the series.

They didn't put Suikoden 2 on PSN despite the fact that the game is still selling for hundreds of dollars online. Yeah, they are stupid as hell.

What specifically has it left out? I know almost nothing about it, but from what little I've seen, it at least looks like a decent enough JRPG/Suikoden game.

Considering the WRPG market and the types of stories those games tell (not to mention their terribly involved and detailed settings), I think the story of Suikoden can find its fans in English territories. And they can always revamp the battle system somehow. I just hope the series can be preserved in some way,

Apparently SCEA blocked Suikoden 1 & 2 on PSP because its wasn't enough of a remake or something. All I know is that the fact that Suikoden 2 is not available in any way outside of the still absurdly-rare original release is absolutely ridiculous.

The idea behind Suikoden is not culturally biased. If they're concerned about the series feeling too Japanese, they should bring some Western developers on board. All I know is that a RPG series that features political stories and 108 recruitable characters certainly has the potential for universal appeal!