Don’t really care if it’s standard or savings time. Just enough with the time change shit. Pick one and leave it be. If people need to be up earlier or want more daylight then get up earlier/later. We all get the same amount available anyways. Just a matter of when you wanna get up

Don’t forget about the penny guy who apparently can mesmerize people with pennies and alter their memory with it. Thinking he’s gonna be like this series’s HRG mysterious character with strange motives. And Jose, the Luchador’s son/nephew. And the spooky ghost priest.

That’s assuming that given more time there wouldn’t have been a dinosaur (or other creature that died out around the same time) that evolved a larger brain and into an advanced civilization before we did. That would have kept us from evolving as far as we did. Or maybe even have evolved together like the Xindi on

This goes got all of their products but mass produce the silver, black, gold, and rose gold options as they are. Then add in the ability to select any of their previous anodized aluminum options with either white or black glass as a “special order” with the caviate that it’s known it’ll take a bit longer.

blue and pink, ala the ipod touch options.

That looks like a REALLY bad photoshop

And then they all died. Horribly.

Tyler Durden?

Oooo. Now totally wanna see woody harrelson as lex

Maybe nedry’s jeep?

Thanks for the fish!

Same here. Especially with the protruding camera lens. I would have thought it would have been better to make it that extra half millimeter thicker (or however thick it needs to be) and use any extra space for a slightly bigger battery and longer battery life.

I thought Thor took the Tesseract back to Asgard at the end of the Avengers and was keeping it in the vault. That was the reasoning for not keeping the Aether on Asgard and giving it to the Collector at the end of Thor 2 because they didn't want 2 stored together.

I enjoy the show. Sure the plot has some issues at times. The characters are decent, not perfect. But it's a good non serialized procedural and I normally don't like those. It reminds me a lot of Numb3rs. If you liked that show you'll probably like this.

Expensive cast with big names. Will still probably see it but kinda highlights the big difference between DC and Marvels approach to these big shared universe franchises. Marvel finds actors to fill fitting rolls, regardless of name recognition, for the character hoping the character and story draws in the crowd.

colbert addressed this very well tonight. The blades of the hilt extend inside the hilt so while another blade can cut through the metal it still can't get through the blade so the metal around it actually protects the handler from slipping up in addition

agree with many points. Still getting used to the extra width while typing with one hand. It's a switch to get used to the new lock switch position. Think the extruding camera should have been made flush and have added battery. The 5 series was thin enough and thinner isn't always better. Though think Apple would be

Yes still an issue but with the expansion of cell towers and public wifi mobile internet access is becoming better than phone connections on occation. Yeah communication access will always be an issue when infrastructure is impacted but any tool to quickly notify people that you're at least OK is an improvement.